Great site -Freddy vs Jason

What a well made site. Awsome content, tons of streaming video, cool extras, and a custom destop builder. You have to check this out.

Ya, but its not dark enough to express the mood of the movie. Aside from that its great.

[edit] I looked around a bit more and like the site alot. Lots of content. Still isn’t dark enough…


The theme was a little off but it was built to mathc there other promotin stuff by the looks of it.

I cant wait to go and see this movie tonight - it’s going to be great!

i saw the movie yesterday, very good flick.

i’d love to know the total cost of that website, there is so much info in there, and video

Ya liek thats what i mean there is so much in there. Some very cool info and stats and interviews.


I should create a poll who you rooting for? [size=100][color=red]Jason[/color][/size] or Freddy

Freddy all the way man.

Freddy’s my man, cuz he’s a sick F. he goes into your dreams to scare the S outta you, then kills ya. come on now, who’s gonna beat that.

nice site. theres tons of stuff in there for a movie site, and some of the desktops were schweet.

I loved the movie - it was very close to what the series used to be. Seeing Freddy and Jason duke it out was amazing - I would imagine it was a horror geeks wet dream come true :wink:

As for who won… I’m not telling - although I was rooting for Jason the entire way. He scared the crap outta me as a child

How can you not root for jason? hes a machine! Hes bigger, stronger, and more fearsome than freddy. He gets the job done and doesn’t f*ck around. Freddy, he plays around in your head, then just kinda ends you. Jason on the other hand has that kick *** mask and the thick clothes, and the machete. He goes in and hacks people to bits! He doesn’t speak, doesn’t panic, doesn’t even sweat. Hell, if you saw that white mask anywhere, you knew you were screwed.

[edit] I forgot to include that he has a body count over three times higher than freddy’s[/edit]

lol you can’t beat the machete, seriously though, you can’t. Plus look at Freddy’s past, he was a child murderer, how can you root for that? Jason at least has a somewhat decent reason to murder people.

Ya, he was a disfigured kid, so his mum went out and killed people because nobody would accept him, but she got taken out so Jason filled in.

ahhh… i hate that kinda movies, i would have liked them if they were atleast a little scary, but they’re not… i dunno, thats my oppinion

Ya, I’ve heard of some people who watch horror movies with people getting killed and find them funny

[size=0.5]i do too sometimes, I thought final destination was hilarious because the people were such idiots…[/size]

JAson rulesss

Really nice site looks like the LOTR site.

*Originally posted by Coppertop *
**Ya, I’ve heard of some people who watch horror movies with people getting killed and find them funny

[size=0.5]i do too sometimes, I thought final destination was hilarious because the people were such idiots…[/size] **

YA like in Jeepers Creepers I was hoping that demon thing would kill those kids. “Hey a guy dumping bodys lets go check it out…” like how stupid do u have to be. I really, really wante to see that kid get killed.