Donnie Darko

I just finished watching this movie and it was certainly like none i’ve ever seen. It’s a dark twisted movie about a questionable schizophrenic (use a dictionary) who follows orders from an imaginary friend which all seem to turn out for the better. i can’t say more without spoiling the whole story. i loved this movie. it shares the ranks with Fight Club and American Beauty in my opinion. also the website for the movie is kinda trippy as well ( but i’d recommend watching the movie before visiting the site (spoilers).

you will not waste your time.

Sounds good, I’d have to check it out then. I like movies that deals with schizophrenia, one of my favorites is “A Beautiful Mind”, I thought it was pretty good. =)

I have seen it… it was definitely interesting.

The ending sucked though! :scream:

lost, why do you say that? is it because he did what he had to do (not to spoil anything)?

I thought the movie was amazing!

Although - think a lot of movies are pretty good when most people dont :wink: I guess I just like to be entertained…

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**lost, why do you say that? is it because he did what he had to do (not to spoil anything)? **

No, not that. I just thought it was kind of confusing. I can’t say what I thought was confusing because… well yeah.

Momento was a really confusing movie as well… I will check it out… thanks for the recommendation Thor. :slight_smile:

On my way to the movie store: :bounce: