That one killed me. Here’s the deal : I have 2 glasses in front of me : one’s full of water, the other’s full of wine. Now I have a spoon, and with it I take a spoonful of water that I put in the wine. I mix it so that it becomes homogenous. Then I take one spoonful of the blend, and put it in the water, and then mix it.
The question is : ** is there more wine in the water or more water in the wine ?**
Think about it very carefully, that’s not something that can be done in just one second. And try to be logic, you can do it with math, but that’s not fun.
Well, maudit, lets assume each glass is equal. 100 parts each. Lets assume each spoonfull is equal to 1/100 of the volume.
So you have; 100 Parts Water 100 Parts Wine
Take a spoonfull, or 1/100 of the water and put it into the Wine. The two total thus become;
99 Parts Water 101 Parts total
wine 100 water 1/100 parts total 101%
Now take a spoonful back would be to take 1/101 part and placing it into the water which is 99 parts. Because of the dilution ratio and it changing is thus the reason for there being more wine in the water. Now gimme my movie ****it!
Add 10 parts water to the 100 parts wine for a total of 110 parts. Mix thoroughly (theoretically).
Now when I take 10 parts of the new mixture, I’m not taking 10% of the 110 parts…just simply 10 parts (or 9.0909…%, for my sake, I’ll say an even 9). I think this is where I kept messing up the most.
So, in our new mixture, for every 10 parts (remember, there are 11 of them), there should be about 9 parts wine and 1 part water (multiplied by 11 gives us 110 parts).
However, I am now removing 10 parts, leaving this final mixture at 100 parts comprised of 90 parts wine and 10 parts water (or 90/10 = wine/water)
So I take these 10 parts and add them back to the water mixture which makes our second mixture 100 parts again comprised of 91 parts water and 9 parts wine (or 91/9 = water/wine).
So our final answer is there is more wine in the water by one little part.
Edit: Actually, there is also more water in the wine.
What if you don’t turn 9.09 % into 9 % ?? you’re on the right track, and you’ll see that if Jesus had done the experiment, he would have gotten the exact same thing as you would !!
But you did it. You deserve a fla, even though your answer is wrong. You can find it <a href=>here</a>.