Brain teasers

[font=Arial][color=#000099]A 30 year old man married a 25 year old woman. She died at age 50[/color][/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica][color=#000099]and her husband was so devastated that he cried for years. Ten[/color][/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica][color=#000099]years after he stopped crying, he died. If he had lived to be 80,[/color][/font]
[font=Arial,Helvetica][color=#000099]how many years was he a widower?[/color][/font]

25 years?

I say 25 as well…

25 years. Here’s one for you (originally, I didn’t get this, because the simple logic almost completely escaped me)

An amazon explorer was paddling up the amazon river, when he spotted an ostrich egg floating downstream. Where did it come from?

an ostrich?

umm… i’m not sure if a widower is the male equivalent of a widow… maybe it’s a trick question, i.e he wasn’t a widower at all.?

EDIT: scrap that, it is.

Yep. But I originally said upstream :trout: You’re turn.

widower works :wink:


Yes upstream, it was floating downstream, there for it must have come from upstream!

edit: yeldarb, where’d your post go?

People already answered lol – I deleted it :stuck_out_tongue:

But now I look like a skitzo! :stuck_out_tongue:

ok it was 25

Burning rope

There are two lengths of rope.
Each one can burn in exactly one hour.
They are not necessarily of the same length or width as each other.
They also are not of uniform width (may be wider in middle than on the end), thus burning half of the rope is not necessarily 1/2 hour.

By burning the ropes, how do you measure exactly 45 minutes worth of time?

[spoiler=Rope Puzzle]If you light both ends of one rope, it will burn in exactly a 1/2 hour. Thus, burn one rope from both ends and the other rope from only one end. Once the one rope (which is burning from both ends) finally burns out (and you know a 1/2 hour has elapsed), you also know that the other rope (which is buring from only one end) has exactly 1/2 hour left to burn. Since you only want 45 minutes, light the second end of the rope. This remaining piece will burn in 15 minutes. Thus, totaling 45 minutes.[/spoiler]

Two mothers and two daughters were fishing. They managed to catch
one big fish, one small fish, and one fat fish. Since only three
fish were caught, how is it possible that they each took home a fish?

ooh i think i worked it out…

what if you light both ends of one rope, and just one end of the other. Then, when the first rope has finished (half an hour) you light the other end of the other rope (which will be about half burnt) and thus speed up it’s burning…
that would equal 45mins right?

two of them took one home together :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

they drowned one of the people before they left, so there were only 3 going home?!?!

you guyz give up or wut
.well i have to go so ill give you the answer
The fishing party consisted of three people. A grandmother, a
mother, and a daughter. The mother is both a mother and a

It was a grandma, her daughter and the grandchild.

Thus, two mothers and two daughters, but only three persons?
