A farmer has 17 sheep,all but 9 die,How much sheep are left?
ding ding ding
10 points for umm i forget his name
lol… thanks
that was a tricky one right there… lol
Guess this one
I love this one
If you had only one match and entered a room in which there was a kerosene lamp, an oil heater, and a woodburning stove, which would you light first?
the match…
another 10 points you have a 20
ive never even heard those before… i’m smart tonight:beam:
dammit xxviii you’re too smart for us!
i know… i know
i couldve solved that. only if i saw it before 28
ooo ooo oo riddles, my fav. here’s a great one…
read this carefully cuz it’s tricky as heck…
lets say you have two lengths of rope. they are not necessarily the same length. they are also not necessarilly the same width as eachother AND they are not neccessarilly a constant width along themselves (eg. one end of rope a. could be 1" thick, while the other end is 1.5" thick). each rope takes exactly 1 hour to burn, but because they are not a constant length, a rope could take 1 minute to burn through 75% and then the other 25% could take 59 minutes.
you have only these ropes and a lighter, and you have to determine a 45 minute time period by burning the ropes in some way.
what do you do?
Ok, that was a really difficult one golgi. I’ve been thinking for ages and I think I’ve got it. If I have then you all know I actaully have a brain
Ok lets see…
(SPOILER! Drag down below to see ‘answer’ lol…)
[COLOR=F0F0F0]You take one of the pieces of the rope and set fire to both ends of it. That way it’ll burn through doubly fast, so that rope will all be burned in exactly 30 minutes. You also light one end of the other rope.
In 30 minutes the first rope will be gone and half the 2nd rope will be gone, at that time you light the other end of the 2nd rope… (there is only 30 mins left on that rope because half has burned) So the remaining 30 mins of rope will burn doubly fast, in 15 minutes!!!
So… 30 mins plus 15 mins = 45 mins![/COLOR]
Wooo! I rock :beam::beam:
And you all thought I didn’t have a brain
- Soul :s:
one sec
niiiiice. good job. :beam: care for another?
Sure I never get them right, but I’m always up for more riddles!
Yay :beam:
I have a few too
- Soul :s:
ok soul, how bout this. you got the last one so you post yours. then whoever gets yours gets to post theirs and so on and so forth…
Ok, 2 mins while I type it! lol :beam:
- Soul :s: