That is a great feature, and very helpful. However, I don’t think I will pay $90 for something that saves a little bit of time. It doesn’t seem worth it to me. If it was free to use, then I’d sure as hell buy it!
Cool thingy… very cool! But there is no way I’m gonna pay for that!
- i like better to export like PNG<br> Originally posted by Gotens *
I’m curious as to what you use .png’s for? I generally use jpegs in my flash files, but if there’s a better way to keep quality and lower the download speed, I’d like to hear it.
I know you can make them with fireworks (I play with it a little), but i’ve just never really been asked (where I work) to produce anything in that format.
I like .png files because they support full and partial transparency. So if the image you create (I use photoshop) has faded areas that area supposed to look worn out and you can see through it, but isn’t completely worn away and the areas around it can still be solid.
I love that feature.
I prefer Illustrator, personally. Since it’s vector based like Flash, you can import things between the two without too much hassle. Plus Illustrator has the same filters and arty effects as Photoshop, so you ge the best of both worlds.