Far from done

im back…

definately nor completed yet, but i want to know your opinions so far. still a lot of bugs, mainly in the portfolio section, and a lot of content is still nonexistant.

what do you think so far?

also, im having trouble finding some suitable music for it. any suggestions? ill take loops or full files to stream.


thanks again

oooh… that mouse click sound effect is really cheesy isn’t it.
gotta get rid of that fast

lotta crap in the portfolio section, stuff cut off and off center.

well gmh526, heres what i think

some people cough flashkit cough may think that the absence of traditional navigation may be impractical. perhaps they’re correct. i mean, there are three whole pages, which means that, using the arrows, at most it could take you two clicks to get somewhere as opposed to one. my goodness!

perhaps ill add a traditional, boring, regular, monotonous old nav bar (in addition to my beloeved arrows)

what do you think

well gmh526, maybe you should stop posting to yourself and actually do something :scream:

at least ive found myself helpful :slight_smile:

i think ill ditch the current portfolio and add a traditional nav in addition to the patented arrow system.

the type could be more readable