I knew the title would get you to click :lol:
So saturday night my buddy Beek, Schmibbs and I walked to the bar thats 100 yards from my house to play some pool and have a few pops … it was probably close to last call there… anyhow we are sitting at the bar having a beer when this cracked out guy comes in with a bag over his shoulder… he walkes right up to us and starts telling us how he is going to this bar down the street (which dosent exist) that packed with hot chicks and he will show us where it is if we give him a ride…yeah right lol
so we told him we walked there and didnt have a car…
so then he starts telling us he is a boxer and he is in training… not training for a fight but training to beat up don king…DON KING!!! lol… lol the dude was gone…way gone… so anyways after we laughed him away he just took off as qick as he came in… about 10 minutes later a chick runs in the bar saying there is a guy in the parking lot dressed as a girl…
lol…we go out to see and its the same dude… no chance it was anyone else… dressed in a skirt tank top, wig and on roller blades skating around!
this is at like 1 in the morning lol
we chase him away and whatnot… lol then like 10 minutes later we are sitting at the bar again and the guy came back into the bar dressed as himself again… walked right up to us and asked if we had seen his girlfriend… gave us a description of himself on roller blades…lol
I got in his face and threatened his life and he ran away… lol
what a freakshow…