First flash expirement! 3d Color Cube

here is my finished work. it took me about a week to complete. :beam:

wow that’s cool Alex, did you write the script yourself or was it all copy and pasting? :geek:

yeah thats pretty friggen wild for a FIRST experiment =)

eg- its consists of motion tweens.

thanks :geek:

Motion tweens??? :x I can’t believe it…

who needs fancy-schmancy programming when you have <strike>motion</strike> tweens :slight_smile:

not only motion tweens, shape tweens, or what ever you call

Most excellent - obviously alot of work to keep the consistency of the shapes


= stressful

very impressive Alex, you must show us how you did it. :stuck_out_tongue:

a little bit

my wonderful skills
steady hand
good mouse
alot of work

and a dash of color:beam:

alex… thats amazingly cool
congratulations on your first expiriment!


i just added music a couple of min ago:)

that’s so cool
I don’t get how it works at all though.
I think that would be a cool one to keep messing with, you could come up with some amazing work.

i want to try to create a circle that has the same idea to it.(-:

like a sphere?
but spheres dont have sides…


dunno. but all i know is im tired:smirk: :beam:

lol me 2
im goin to bed soon

me to. i got work tomorrow:(

Good job A-Dog! :wink: :pirate: