Flash 5 or Flash MX?

While I used to be a competent C++ developer, and at one time could write java, I no longer consider myself skilled as a software developer. I’ve got a rudimentary web-site developed in FrontPage2000, and am looking to spice it up. I currently use no back-end server .ASP or J2EE functionality, and, since my web is more of an informational offering, can’t envision the need to do so.

I’ve found a copy of Flash 5.0 for under $50 US, and it looks like the Flash MX product will cost me around 10 times that much.

QUESTION: is there a major reason to purchase MX, or will Flash 5 be sufficient to provide a touch of elegance to what would otherwise be a bland set of text-based web pages?


I think flash 5 will be able to do it for you!
If you dont want to spend 10 times extra, i would pick flash 5, you can still spice up your page with flash 5 for sure!!


i must be old fashioned but i prefer flash 5 over mx despite costs. probahly because i learned on 4 and hate crossing over. so 5 good, mx bad

Flash MX is so much better than Flash 5.

If you don’t want to spend that much, then you can go with Flash 5, but Flash MX starts a semi-new actionscript scheme so if you learn 5 first you will just have to relearn everything because there are so many more new things in AS in MX than in 5.

The interface can be a pain at first, but you get used to it.

Overall I believe MX is more powerful. If you are ever going to plan on learning how to parse XML into Flash (which it doesn’t sound like you are, but still), Flash MX is capable of doing that better than 5 and it handles all server side languages better than 5.

Since all you are looking for is some minor touches and it sounds like you aren’t looking much for coding, I suppose Flash 5 would do if you don’t want to spend the extra bucks.

You idiots actually payed for your Flash programs?!

Software wouldn’t cost so much if everybody didn’t priate it which by the way talking about can get you baned from this board. Watch your comments and if it is a joke make it clear with a smile thats wha there there for:)

Yes, sintax is right Sykull, these programs cost so much because so many :::beeeeep::: pirate it so Macromedia needs to make a profit somehow. And he is also right that we here at kirupaforum in no way condone or support the use of warez or illegal software, so it seems that if your Flash is illegal, then I am going to have to have a talk with the big K.