MX or 5?

Hi everyone, I just wanted to know your opinion.
Which program would you use for learning ActionScript and Flashing, because I am really no good at either.

I won’t say which I currently have, I just want your opinions.

cross-posting isn’t a good idea

why would you get an older version and miss all the capabilities of the newer version?

It really isn’t relivant.

MX gives you more objects to work with. Things like the viewer’s computer becomes an object in MX. Truthfuly though, the core programing in Flash is the same in both 5.0 and MX. If you have the option go with MX. If you’re going to learn for a profession like web design, then you should at least know the basics of 5.0, it’s limitations compared to MX, that sort of thing.

gotoAndPlay() is gotoAndPlay(), is gotoAndPlay()…

upuaut, can you merge both the threads? :slight_smile:

done… and thanks for asking. I didn’t even know I could do that ahmed. :thumb:

Ahmed is correct. In the future please choose one place to make your post and one place only.

ok :slight_smile:

use f5 if you want to take advantage of it’s numerous fscommands… nah, just use mx i suggest… if you have f5,use it… but if you have MX…much better! just like what upuaut said, just use what you have…=)

Flash mx and flash 5 do have there differences, my brother got flash 5 2 years ago and had to read some 150 page book on action script. then flash mx came out and he had to read another 150 page book due to the action script changes.

wow ok, so what are your opinions? i still haven’t got any, just a bunch of long explanartions which i think are very useful to read but i need opinions please… either one is not a valid answer.

MX all the way. If you’re going to be learning, its best to learn with the most recent so that should you need to learn an even more recent version, you wont be as far from it.

Just because MX has more features, it doesnt make it harder to learn. It means there is more to learn as there is more to know, but no one says you have to know EVERYTHING about it. It can be just as easy as learning Flash 5 as long as you avoid the new features in MX (as it has everything 5 does). - not that I would recomend that…

MX on the whole is also easier to learn and understand, especially with its amendment in event handling. using onEnterFrame is much easier than setting up a new clip and assigning an onClipEvent(enterFrame) action. That with code hints and the reference panel make it a much more enticing learning environment.

ok, cool. btw i have MX :slight_smile:

sorry for not awnsering your question just that i always hated that they don’t keep the same action script for both versions. but to help you, i think you are better off with Flash MX. Now more then ever you’ll find easier tutorials and stuff when using MX.
I am a perfect example. I have only 2 years experiance :rambo: