i’ll be honest. I got into flash young, at like 15. when i was 17, flash 5 came out. couldnt buy it, obviously i cracked it.
I love flash and i love macromedia products… but not everyone is well off enough for these sorts of things. well now im going on 19 and i have a debit card and money saved up. Im exeptional with flash. enough to probobly make webpages for a side job, and i would love to get better with it.
Well the point is, is flash MX worth 500 buck alone? should i grab Studio MX? Whats the program that does the 3d in flash? is that included in studio mx?
I dont want to stick with my cracked version of flash 5. i would like to buy their product, i just want to know if its worth it.
Me and a few buddies are planning a flash cartoon type series.
I agree 100% what UNFLUX said. If you are good, Flash pays for itself… and it is truely a great program that is worth the money.
I saved up for almost (or over) a year to get Flash, I was saving for Flash 5, but Flash MX was released when I had enough. I don’t regret it at all.
And I don’t want to be mean or anything like that, but threads like these almost always break out in some kind of warez are good or bad argument.
We don’t support warez at this forum, and I myself don’t support them either. So to prevent any debate I will leave it at this and I am going to lock the thread, I hope you understand.