Flash Price is ridiculious

Im using the trial version and when i went to see the real versions price HOLY CRAP. Flash is SOOOOO expensive, its wayyy too much, riduculious. Why the heck would i pay 500$ for flash mx??? I can see paying 30 bucks american for it, not 500, thats plain crazy.

Is the 500 price for single users or for a whole company?? if so is there an individual price or no?

500 is the individual price. it is so high because it is an amazingly powerful product that allows the user to do many many things. People make a lot of money using a program like Flash…

What would you pay $30 for? Even Paint Shop Pro is more than that… Have you checked the prices of PhotoShop?

If so, can I ask where you buy your software?



Yea i wanna know to, Wait. I do know
im GOD

if you are good enough with the tools you use, they pay for

I bought my copy of flash with the fees of 1 web site. Now, why
couldn’t you do that? :wink:

I’ll have to second the other responses. It’s a professional development tool. God knows how much effort it took to produce this product, they have to make a profit somehow. $500 bucks is fairly reasonable.

well Jeez I think it is ridiculious, I dont have any cash income really seeing as Im in school, 500 buks is a little out of my range. Why they charge this much i dont know, Games require lots of programming, but can be purchased cheap, like half life, its 30 bucks. I just think that 500 is crazy, AND wont macromedia lose more cash this way?? Cause I bet they might make more if they charged a lower price because more people would buy it, when you see a $500 US program it is a huge turnoff, many will just get the software illegally.

If they charged lower more people would buy it, because it is affordable.

The sad part is that its almost cheaper to keep buying crappy computers at garage sales and re using the trial :slight_smile:

how much money can you make off of HalfLife?

I guess MM doesn’t market to kids in school who just want to play.

this is a tool, not a game…

would a chef use a Dime Store knife?
would a mechanic use a wrench from Jack-In-the-Box?



I like flash for making funny stuff to put on www.newgrounds.com

Hey there,

Well, if the 500 is too much to push out for Flash, you have some other options. Since you’re a student, you should be able to buy the educational version of Flash at a decent discount. I’m not totally sure what the price would be, but I know some of the software I’ve bought I did so through school and it was priced well (between 30-50% off… approximately).

That might be another way to go. (I’m pretty sure the $500 was in regards to the general retail version, or am I all wet here?)



cool, but Flash is a Professional Development Tool. You can chop wood with a $100 knife, but why, unless you have a pantload of money to throw away.

If you are a student, there are ways to purchase with your student ID # for a greatly discounted price. Check out MM’s site for more info.

As I said before, almost all of the “Tools” you need to start developing web sites cost hundreds of dollars each. I agree they should be less, but I don’t manufacture them, or know the least of how much time goes into it, so I’m not going to complain.

Be glad they gave you a 30 Day trial… Swift 3D stopped after so many people were pirating their software (which you would be doing if you bought diff comps and only used the trial)… So now you can’t even try the software without first purchasing it…

Not all things we want are in reach of us at all time. Life is like that…


Rev is right, Flash is a professional tool used by professional designers and scripters. When used that way, it does actually pay for itself, because people will pay a lot of money for a good Flash site. It took me over a year to save up for Flash, and I feel it is worth every cent.

I agree with you, the price of flash and many other computer programs for that matter is just way too high, thats why you should just download it for free using Kazaa. :slight_smile:

We don’t support Warez here phizion, I knew someone would come in here endorsing warez… :sigh:

and what do you think helps cause prices to be so high?
cough-cough warez

…excuse me, had a cough there. :sigh:

You are 100% correct Unflux. They need to make some profit, so HONEST people have to shell out extra money because of all the DISHONEST LOSERS.

Wow this amazes me, since when is Kazaa a “warez” program, Kazaa is simply a person to person file sharing program. It has nothing to do with Warez. :moustache

umm…excuse me?

but kazaa is loaded with warez! what do you think those
programs you download are? cracked versions of the retail
software…that makes them all warez.

Learn your facts before you argue. :bad:

haha no sorry you’re wrong there, some are cracked versions, but many are the retail versions that people buy then place their serial in a txt with the installer, that is all. Only a small percentage of them are actually “cracked” and usually the “cracked” ones don’t work.