Don't u think the price of flash should come down

Just a random thought here.Its quite obvious that flash is taking over the world and more people are going to have to use it for developing websites.So as it is growing in popularity at such a fast rate shouldn’t the price of buying your flash app come down.I had to bust my nut sack just to buy the latest version

Think how much time and effort is put into it.

I know but with more customers the earning potential will remain the same or more likely increase.I do appreciate that the guys at macromedia (I will be in my cold grave before I recognise Adobe) bust their nuts to make the software but its the only way to stop piracy

i really don’t think the price should go down if flash is so popular then they shouldn’t lower it.
But if less people buy it then they should lower it.

If peopel are still buying at this price why lower, they be dumb too :stuck_out_tongue:

the logic goes both ways i think.The question is which way does it swing

I say keep it the way it is…

the point is reducing piracy

think about this: you have a product, and you find out that more and more people are using it, wouldn’t you charge more for it, just to make more money? (or atleast keep the price the same, but not go down…)

I see where ya’ll is coming from but I think I am a bit of a socialist.More to the masses

People pirate everything from that $30 game to that $1000 adobe creative suite. People aren’t just going to stop pirating it because it’s cheap. People pirate music that you can get for $1 from iTunes, its just the fact that people don’t want to spend money period.

Oh and, the fact that they price it higher covers the profits they lose to the pirates. Employees have to be paid too right?

Not always, alot of people are actually willing to pay for stuff if it’s cheaper. People also buy music they actually like, it’s fairly hard to find someone who downloads all their music.

I recon they should make some kind of stripped-down edition of Flash, like a basic edition that’s alot cheaper. Or perhaps a Student/Teacher edition like Microsoft did with Office.

thus the vicious cycle continues

Or maybe include special tools or other features that can be bought at a premium

Yeah that’s what I ment…

There are the student versions which cost around the same as the upgrade version, but those cant be used commercially.

I personally think the prices should stay as they are. think about it- if its more available to people, then more people will get it, which means more people will think they can create professional stuff and so they wont see the need in hiring professional designers.

Now thats bad in two ways. Less/no work for those in that industry, and more junk getting pushed out onto the web.

Thats the way I see it at least.

Or make it free and make money off the support.

[QUOTE=λ]Or make it free and make money off the support.[/QUOTE]

ROFL… I’d say that would be the smart move. They would probably make more profit from it than they do now.

Seriously though, the Adobe Suite may be really expensive, but you need to think about what it’s generally used for. All the programs are an industry standard for graphic and web work, jobs in these fields can pay pretty good. As a freelancer, if you do good work the entire suite can pay for itself in just one or two jobs (given the size of the project of course). And as a company (in the US at least) you can write off the purchase on your taxes as a business expense and get money back.

The focus of these programs is generally the industry, so chances of them lowering the cost for individuals is slim to none. Not to mention as stated before, they also need to make up for their losses due to pirating.

They allready make Flash Basic which is about half the price of Professional version.

[ot]One question. Little bit OT but still about prices. Is there any legal problem, if I buy for example Studio 8 in the US ($300 cheaper than in Czech republic) and send it back here?[/ot]

You can already create Flash content with open source tools if you’re prepared to try out a new workflow. There’s a lot happening in Open Source Flash right now.

Check out the AMES package at

or the Open Source Flash homepage at