FLIPTIME website

Hi there this is my first thread!

Check out http://www.fliptime.it

It’s my band!!
Please tell me what’s wrong!


The image quality is way too low and I’m not diggin’ the blue backgroud pic and the blue glow around the interface. The fonts don’t really fit the style either.

I’m not a fan of the red either but I can deal with it.

Other than that everything looks pretty good

all you’d really have to do is change the blue background to a dark grey. seriously. that alone would make it look 10 times better.

thanx guys i changed the background color, it’s a little bit brighter…

with firefox i see nothing…

It’s not showing up for me either.

blue screen with a big white box…

yeah i made a mistake in uploading,

now it’s all right… :slight_smile:

but i hate rollOver and logo…

Li odi proprio?
You really hate them?



hmm… i guess it looks ok, but it screams photoshop layer styles wich is a very bad thing imo. And the strechted text on the rollovers doesn’t look good tho, i do really like the page transitions.

and the euhmm you can see the word “intro” on the audio player tru the layout…well you can see “play” & “mp3’s” too it you look good. and the logo isn’t a good logo, because first off you can’t make it bigger, wich is pretty important imo ( i am not sure you cant resize, because you could have a vector verion without effects).

i am not trying to make you feel bad, i am just trying to help out

thanx for that :slight_smile:

So you think logo isn’t good?
Do you mean it by itself or in the site look?

the idea/concept of the layout is pretty cool, but you just need to work on, try not to use layers styles, but use blurs, channels, maybe a pen tool with strokes for some inset lines or something and work on the logo a bit, now you havea pretty bold font with some thin lines on the sides, looks a little strange.

anyway, hope that helps a bit!