Nope lorie is the main girl the one u wish u got to see naked. Ya i’m kind of undecided about that girls boobs as well.
boobs!!!:azn: :stunned:
this movie was better than i actually hoped for so it gets some good points for being better than i expected lol but it isnt scary its just good and funny freddy makes me laugh man, i have to say like the most scary movies ive ever seen were the exocist and the omen, and for a gore fest bonanza watch cannibal holocaust regular people eating people now thats scarier than any super bad guy villian lol, oh and the ring is not scary its just like phscycologically disturbing i think this is what new horror movies should be like phsycological not a gore fest even though i love the gore :beam:
The ring was not a bad movie… not a good one either actually :). Not scary at all, but it had some cool scenes. Unfortunatly those jumping images when ppl see the corpses in the beginning are somewhat disturbing in my opinion.
Bit like fear dot com. Not a bad movie… but so annoying to watch as they show lots of fast moving frames, so you saw something but you don’t know what. and if you see it for the fifth time it tends to get a bit annoying.
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
Plus the trailer for Texas Chain Saw Masacer was awsome. Can’t wait for it.
I really want to see this too, the trailer for TCSM was scarier than the entire Freddy vs Jason moive. Don’t get me wrong I still liked the film.
oooooh, TCSM has Jessica Beil in it… that’s MORE than enough to have me watch it - she’s soooooooooooooooooooo hot
*Originally posted by Whippersnapper *
**I really want to see this too, the trailer for TCSM was scarier than the entire Freddy vs Jason moive. Don’t get me wrong I still liked the film. **
Ya i thought so too. When they make hte whole theater dark then play the sounds in th background it was really freaky.