Freddy vs. Jason - who saw it?

oh yeah the truck part, very cool… the sound it made alone was quite scary :)… one of the best beginnings indeed, i could so see someone psycho in his raggedy truck running teenagers of the road :slight_smile: to feed on their corpses.


the scariest movie Ive ever seen was the original childs play. Just the concept of a doll coming to life and killing you (or other people) is just creepy. The one part where hes under the couch is also really creepy. It was hard for me to let my feet hang over the edge of the couch for a good couple of months following that movie. Simple things but enough to freek a 10 yr old out pretty good. Nothing else seemed that scary to me. Not even freddy or jason. Jason less so than freddy too. I just didnt get what was so scary about jason other than the fact that if hes out to get you, you’re gonna die. Yeah, we know thats gonna happen and we know he can’t die but hes just a zombie guy thing that takes his time and rips people apart with his chainsaw or machete or whatever. Living, killing dolls under your couch is much more scary =)

Freddy VS Jason was awesome.

I waited so long for this movie. I found it hysterical.

Jasons my boy. Im going to stop typing now before I lace this thread with spoilers.

Fester, I knew you would like it :slight_smile:

Jason get’s a pretty **** good body count in this one that’s for sure!

I Really want to see Freddy vs. Jason but i just haven’t got around to it and i love horror movies me and my Friends rent a movie almost every week and watch it no matter how good it is we love to watch cult classics. we just rented house of 1000 corpses witch i must say was the dumbest movie i have ever seen it was so freaking retarded.:a:

Flash fool - I have not heard one good thing about that movie. Rob Zombie said something to the effect of that “all horror movies of the last 10 years suck and I am going to make one that doesnt” and apperently he failed - misserabley. I guess it’s just full of old cliche’s and such.

Ah well - I doubt as if I will ever see it anyway.

oh my god, this movie was sooo funny. there were like 15 people at the most in the theatre yesterday and they were all laughing. holy ****.

*Originally posted by senocular *
**Just the concept of a doll coming to life and killing you (or other people) is just creepy. **

That is so right… that movie is indeed creepy… the way they move their heads and everything. :-\

the only movie that truly scared me was “The Exorcist” when you see her walk down the stair upside down and backward and then screams really load in the demonic Satan voice wile blood shoots from her mouth now thats scary.

That was disgusting. It wasn’t scary, just really disgusting. and painful looking.

*Originally posted by Flash fool *
**the only movie that truly scared me was “The Exorcist” when you see her walk down the stair upside down and backward and then screams really load in the demonic Satan voice wile blood shoots from her mouth now thats scary. **

when you go to metal shows on occasion the demonic voice is not that scary ;)… i know ppl who got a nastier voice…

Must agree with senocular on childsplay… the number one movie was just plain scary… I really enjoyed it too, though not so scary the first nightmare on elmstreet movie was quite good to. Problem is most horror movies fall prey to the bad sequel cliché. I mean the third childsplay movie… going to rediculous lengths to bring him back…

anyway give me a good thriller anyday… or when i wanna laugh a horror movie with zombies :smiley:

Movie was great. Classic Scary at the start then all hell breaks lose and it is just a big gore fantastic. Great frights and great fights. Having a Hong Kong fight film director do this movie was a great idea. Some really good humor as well. Excelent movie. Exactly what it should have been. Just come in sit down shut off your brain and have a good time.

Plus the trailer for Texas Chain Saw Masacer was awsome. Can’t wait for it.

:edit: Plus the girl who plays lorie is **** hot. What a perfect rack this girl has. She is super fine.:edit:

Is lorie the girl who’s boyfriend meets his demise early on in the “craft matic adjustable” that used to be just a regular bed? :slight_smile: If so, we actually had a conversation about her last night. One guy in the room seems to think her chest is real, whilest the rest of us feel that there is no way they are that big and her nipples still point up to the roof - alas, we think they are fake.

I guess she was in the movie “ginger snaps” as a little sister or something - but I dont know for sure.

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Is lorie the girl who’s boyfriend meets his demise early on in the “craft matic adjustable” that used to be just a regular bed? :slight_smile: If so, we actually had a conversation about her last night. One guy in the room seems to think her chest is real, whilest the rest of us feel that there is no way they are that big and her nipples still point up to the roof - alas, we think they are fake.

I guess she was in the movie “ginger snaps” as a little sister or something - but I dont know for sure. **

ah yes, one of the better horror movie clichés… the girl with the biggest chestsize dies :wink:

speaking of which, Scary Movie 3 is coming out in a month or two :stuck_out_tongue:

Sen, I cannot wait! Have you seen the trailor yet at apple - it looks great! This one is going to be the best in the series I think if they have done it right, and judging by the trailor I think they have.

“quiet, I’m trying to prophosize here!” hahahaha :slight_smile:

lol yeah Im looking forward to it too. I still have to see alot of the movies theyre parodying though so I can actually get a lot of what they are doing :wink:

hahah - yah, that always helps man :slight_smile:

there should be a complete list before the movie comes out so you can see all the originals to get the most outta the film :wink:

I think I might go see it tonight. It looks good.