I would like to explain right away why I didnt Continue the other (Am I my own man) thread, I felt it has worn out, and this mostly consentrates on one part of the subject.
Okay, scine alot of people say that You should be able to do anything to yourself, as long as it just affects yourself I would like to ask those who think this way, what are your thoughts on this…
Well, I have no moral objection to canibalism, however, that does not mean that I believe in people’s rights to partake in such activity. That is to say, I will not hold it against a canibal that they eat people. Most canibals come from far outback societies, and hold much religious and social signifigance to the act of eating someone. That doesn’t mean that I agree with the practice or that I would not attempt to convince someone not to do such a thing in any case.
In this case however, these people need a slap in the head (yeah, even the dead guy.) Suicide, and manslaughter are both illegal. MAYBE with some sort of witness’ you could at least have a case for “he wanted me to do it”. but even with witness’ it would be illegal.
So I guess I have to say that though I believe that there is nothing in heaven which is going to curse either of these two men for their actions, that no matter how you cut it, these guys are idiots. In the end, the world will be a better place when both are finaly gone from it.
He then went to Armin M’s home, where the pair reportedly agreed to cut off his penis.
Quote of the day right there man!
Hey Russian. If its alright with you, want to cut off my winkey?
This is an interesting case. I am curious to hear the details from the video they recorded. I is still illegal to kill someone, but I am sure he would get a reduced penalty of on tape the victim is all about it.
Woa woa woa. In the other thread, David you said that you thought suicide was ok. Yet now you said the guy that was eaten (who pretty much just comitted suicide) should be slapped. I don’t get that.
agree with nali - suicide is the only real option you have - choose life or not - all other choices are either premeditated or chosen before you believe you’ve got your answer. Your path is set.
so the principle of democracy as you said You should be able to do anything to yourself, as long as it just affects yourself doesnt apply here since it affected both of them
Yes, but both of them chose to be affected by it. So they affect only themsleves…
It depends how technical you want to get on “yourself” you can commit suicide, but someone has to clean ur body up, so thats affecting someone else…
as far as it goes, the chose their path , but not a right one.
Like I stated earlier, I think Suicide is NOT ok, because people who usualy commit suicide when they are not in the right state of mind, like in the incident above, apperantly they where both insane…
I didn’t say that I agree with suicide. If you read further down in that thread I clarify to Russianbeer my views. What I was trying to say was that I don’t see a moral ruling that binds people to not commit suicide. Likewise, if I was rational, and still wanted to commit suicide, I wouldn’t want people to stop me. I don’t think that someone is crazy just because they don’t want to live in this world. This world can be a cruel and terrible place.
On the other hand. In 99% of the cases there are reasonable alternatives to suicide which the person in question simply is not aware of.
I think that attempted suicide should not be punishable by incarceration, but should be handled by trained medical professionals and sociological readjustment.
One interesting thing here is the way society affects and sees this situation. i bet back in the caveman days or whenever, someone could eat another human, and it probably wouldn’t be that big of a deal. in todays society, thats just plain stupid, since its againts the law. back in the caveman days they didnt have laws, or government, or police, and stuff like that.
There are still many places in the world where eating human is acceptable behavior. Many tribes in south American look upon it as an honor to be eaten.
Yeah, Upuaut…
But, alot of these places, eating humans is something done after battle, or something…
These two guys in germany are honestly screwd up. They couldnt have been in a right state of mind.
Any opinions on either canibal movies
“Silence of the lambs” “Red Dragon” (Hanibal series)
I’m a fan of Ravenous myself. Though it was purely a fictional peice, it seemed to portray the aboriginal ideals of canibalism well. The Hanibal stories are of course fantastic. Again though, not a matter of survival, just a very sick man.