Oh man, this is JUST SCARY... (Must see pictures)

ew…it’s guts are coming out…

the only time i’ve encountered deer was during my in-car session while at driver’s ed. there were a couple deer strolling along the road in front of me. luckily it was during the day and i wasn’t driving that fast, so i saw them and let them past. those bastards.

That might just be the most horrific animal accident I have ever seen in my life. OH MY GOD, that is so terrible.

It’s great news that the person driving survived. Thank god there was no passenger!

The only time I’ve seen a deer on/near a road is when me and my dad were driving home and we saw a little deer standing in the middle of the road staring the other way. So we slowed down a bit… the poor deer still didn’t notice us (didnt hear the engine or anything) So we stopped just right next to him Then he suddenly turned his head and he was like “AAAAAAAAGGHHH” and off he went into the woods.
lol , stupid deer! It’s gonna cost him his life sooner or later

poor deer.

Alabama never has this problem, Any time a deer is seen within 15 feet of the road, someone pulls out their shotgun and shoots it before it can make it to the road. I do feel sorry for that guy, that really did have to hurt, and don’t you know he’ll get made fun of at work/school for having a deer fall on his car.

I wonder if his insurance company covers deers that jump off bridges into incoming traffic? :-\


/me not laughing at the incident, laughing at what Andy said.


The buck stops here.

(has that one been used?)

Ewww! Quite a feat the guy survived and smiled for the camera. Phil, I made the pics hyperlinks instead…it’s too disgusting :slight_smile:

Kirupa :x

Just “watch” brain surgery? Why a couple of weeks ago I dissected a sheep brain (Love highschool biology) and my friend thought it would be funny to put the cerebellum in my hair (that bastard), I got a good laugh and he got an after school detention. After I learnt all I could and was told to dispose of the brain, I walked over to the bin, took off my gloves, grabbed the brain and crushed it in my right hand letting it ozze through the gaps in my fingers. Nice…

Here is a short list of things I have dissected.
Sheep Brain
Sheep Heart
Cow Eye

Thing I have put in salt

Things I have put in the microwave

Not really interested in medicine, biology is compulsory at my school until year 10, Then I ‘might’ drop it and continue psychics. It’s kinda a hard choice either I can learn to remove a mans heart and show it to him before he dies, or calculate exactly when to drop something off a 200 meter structure to hit a target 400 meters travelling toward that structure at 40m/s.

Wait I think I know enough to solve that problem now.

The target will reach the structure in 10 seconds.

It takes any object (on earth with low air resistance) approx 6.3 sec to hit the ground after being dropped off a 200m structure. (time = square root of 2d/g)

So I drop the brick 3.7 secs or 148 meters before the target reaches me, or at an angle of depression of 55.78 degrees (basic trigonometry)


where did you find this. and a caption for the guy pic, “Man, i hope i got enough insurense!”

oh no, another reindeer of santas is gone:*(



*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
We all need to get good rifles and help thin these herds out one weekend a year when they get so overpopulated.

I hate it when people talk like that, what right do humans have to ‘decide’ to go and kill some animals?

Animals are less intelligent, so what, it doesn’t mean you can go out and shoot them. If theres a human thats not very intelligent we don’t go out and shoot them.

Saying that you are helping keep the population down, bahh, let nature do its thing. I think the deer should come and help keep the human population down, there too many of the damn things.

**Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague. **

Amen to that…

gets off soapbox

  • Soul :goatee:

Well its just the way of the world.

What is the difference between a human shooting a deer and a tiger tearing a gazelle apart? None really. I am not a hunter. I do not have the stomach to kill an animal. I always get upset in movies where an animal dies. I couldn’t care less about people tho. But I still think that hunting is ok for other people to do. Yes it helps to keep the population down. But this is a good thing because think, if there were more deer running around then that means that more deer would be hit by cars, trains, buses, big trucks; and they would die horrible deaths. Or they would starve to death too. By keeping the population down you are making sure that less deer suffer horrible deaths at the expense of a number of others.

Its not that deer aren’t intelligent enough to stay out of the roads. They need to cross the road to survive. Our roads cut right thru their forests and fields that they use to eat, sleep, drink and survive. They have been here a lot longer than humans have.

What is the difference between a human shooting a deer and a tiger tearing a gazelle apart?

One is for sport, and one is for survival… Your argument is void unless you know of any tigers that can fire a rifle…

I am not a hunter. I do not have the stomach to kill an animal. I always get upset in movies where an animal dies. I couldn’t care less about people tho.

I couldn’t agree more. I sure would like to see a group of hunters, armed with nothing more than a bow and arrow, be massacred by a pack of ravenous deer… yeah… :slight_smile:

kill the world!

then no one will have to worry about dying horrible deaths ever again :slight_smile:


*Originally posted by senocular *
**kill the world!

then no one will have to worry about dying horrible deaths ever again :slight_smile: **

You’re a much worse Syko that I am!:x