Friday the 13th - Any good movies?

It can. :slight_smile:

And shame on you for not wanting to think about a movie. As far as Iā€™m concerned, Iā€™d rather watch something like Donnie Darko than some mindless film that I forget after 5 minutes because there was no substance to it.

Awwwwā€¦ā€¦. I have been scorned

With my tail between my legs I bow my head in shame and walk awayā€¦. :puzzled:

But seriouslyā€¦ā€¦
My Favorite movie of all time, that I would have watched 30+ times is ā€œGattacaā€
Now you can say that has no substance !

And what may I ask is your Fav ?

*Originally posted by Phat7 *
**My friend is throwing a big party this Friday and we plan to watch a horror movie or two at night. Any recommendations?

:vamp: **

Well obviously I am going to suggest any of the Friday the 13th movies.

But some other good ones are the ring (super creepy) Any of the Omen movies or Amnitiville (sp?)

Oh yeah, forgot about the Ring. That is a scary movie. Watch that.

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Actually Iā€™m with Kirupaā€™s first suggestion. Donnie Darko is a fantastic film and really gets you thinking. When me and my friends watched it, we took 2 hours to see the film and another 2 hours debating what we thought actually happened and whyā€¦ :slight_smile: **


Iā€™ve seen What lies beneath, and itā€™s really good in my opinion.

Things move by themselves, the womanā€™s all alone in her house, nobody believes her, sheā€™s on the edge of sane/insane. Many creepy things happen. This creates a really intense feel to the movie.

However, at the end of the movie, things get really ā€œB-Horrorfilmā€. Things become predictable and there is a lot of action. This unlike the major part of the movie.

Iā€™ve also seen Signs. This movie is kinda the same as What lies beneath in the aspect of a claustrophobic feel. The whole movie is siutatued on a farm of one single family. As in What lies beneath, many creepy things happen. This movie is about aliens. You see reflections of it, you can hear it, you see shadows behind doors, you see it move rapidly, but you never get a clear shot of it. That gives a really cool feel to it.

The whole time I was watching this movie, I sat on the top of my chair because it was so intense. Iā€™ve seen it with friends, and they were also kinda creeped out unlike action horror movies.

So for group scary films, I suggest claustrophobic movies :wink:

Gattaca is good too. It was on TV before Christmas and I watched it. Thatā€™s also a film that kinda makes you think, the whole genetic engineering thing. Is that where weā€™re heading, is it right or wrong. So yeah, thatā€™s a good one.

My favourite film though would have to be American Beauty. :slight_smile:

get Evil Dead 1 & 2 and Army of Darknessā€¦not scary at all but classic, cheesy old horror flicks

Thanks a lot for all the suggestions guys. So far the list is as follows:

The Ring
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
28 Days LATER (not Sandra Bullock :))
Donnie Darko
Omen (would be awesome if it was one movie)

Out of these five I havenā€™t seen only Texas CM. The movies in other suggestions made - Iā€™ve seen pretty much most of them. How about Sleepy Hollow?..

i think youā€™ll find that 28 days is a sandra bullock movie about her in drug rehab or somethingā€¦ sounds scary, but not in the right wayā€¦

youā€™re probably thinking of 28 days LATER, about a virus or something that kills everyone.

look out, sandra bullock!!!

Yeah, lol :slight_smile: thatā€™s what I meant. Edited :wink:

btw if youā€™re going to rent the ringā€¦ look for ā€œRinjuā€. Itā€™s the original from japan and the cinematography is better. The story is almost verbatum the same so you wont miss anything on that account.

very very creepy.

ohā€¦ and itā€™s dubbed in english rather than subtitles. Subtitles would have taken a lot away from the creepiness of it.

Oh your kiddingā€¦ I thought it had subtitlesā€¦

I will have to check it out again, cause I wanted to watch part 2ā€¦

But didnā€™t want to wait for the Hollywood version.

I think the DVD allows for either subtitle watching or dubbing. Iā€™m not sure about VHS

Have you seen part 2, is it worth watching ?

Cannibal ferox/holocaust or faces of deathā€¦hardcore hehe !

And for humour, peter jacksons ā€˜Braindeadā€™ its brilliant and goriest film ive ever seen, and funny to :thumb:

Iā€™ve decided to go with The Ring, and just in case Iā€™m gonna get and Texas CM too :slight_smile: Oh and also Interview with a Vampire! :vamp:

I would advise against

Its was bad man. And I love most horror movies. Cheesy or not.

*Originally posted by iLikePie *
**i think youā€™ll find that 28 days is a sandra bullock movie about her in drug rehab or somethingā€¦ sounds scary, but not in the right wayā€¦

youā€™re probably thinking of 28 days LATER, about a virus or something that kills everyone.

look out, sandra bullock!!! **

Oops 28 Days Later is what I meant in one of my earlier posts also :slight_smile: hehe