From windows specs news thread

More Mac vs. PC stuff. Archived here as opposed to being deleted as I posted in that thread… pffft

from noiretoile:

iloveitaly, the mere presence of the dock isn’t my issue with it. I think it’s a regression in terms of usability. It’s form over function. The old application switcher and apple menu were much better. And yes, I’m aware that I can get that back via add-on programs, and hiding things, but I don’t think I should have to.

Again, I think your point on stability is based on a problem with hardware rather than software. What you’ve experienced is the opposite of what I experienced, and I in no way think that one of our experiences is more valid than the other.

Also, and I don’t mean for this to be a PCvs.Mac intro but, don’t forget, one huge advantage that apple has, is that of a closed system. They have one brand of processor, one brand of motherboard, etc. That kind of control allows them to focus on making something run on a limited number of harware setups, as opposed to making something run on a near infinte number of pc setups.

As far as price, you get what you pay for to an extent. I’m sure there are 64-bit PCs cheaper than a mac. Hell, you can get a Dell P4 system for ~$500 anymore. The thing is, with PCs, cheaper prices, usually mean cheaper components, which usually leads to instability. With a mac, at the price I’m paying, I should get awesome components (which seems to be true) and great stability due to the build quality and the software developed specifically for those parts… I have yet to see that. My experience ranges from a Powermac 7600 all the way to several G4’s. I’ve yet to see any issues with the G5 here.

I’ve built a ton of PCs, and anymore, I’m just not sure it’s worth it. I wouldn’t be able to beat Dell’s price. I just need to decide if it’s worth taking the gamble on the stuff inside.

Again, this isn’t trying to start back up a pc vs mac debate, but is meant to give you another users experience.