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Police are investigating a series of 18 shootings on or near a stretch of Interstate 270 on the south side of Columbus, including a November shooting that killed a 62-year-old woman on her way to a doctor’s appointment.

D.C. Smiper revisited…this time little national media attention, check it out.

This has many people in and around the dayton, ohio area shook up, as they drive 270 as well as 70 to work. Shootings just keep happening one right after another.

I feel sorry for all the people living in this area, but it’s americans own fault…

How is this Americans fault…i certainly don’t feel any fault of my own.

*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**I feel sorry for all the people living in this area, but it’s americans own fault… **

please explain…

and also, please explain how you are an expert on America…


common guys- isn’t it obvious? EVERYTHING is our fault.

*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**I feel sorry for all the people living in this area, but it’s americans own fault… **
excuse me, but i also have to ask why this is the Americans’ own fault. Concerning the two DC snipers, one was of Jamaican decent, and the other, a Muslim radical. But i’m sure you already knew that. :sigh:

btw, digigamer, your Christmas countdown is going haywire :wink:

*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**I feel sorry for all the people living in this area, but it’s americans own fault… **

Lemme guess - you must have watched Bowling for Columbine :sigh:

rev: This is not directed at YOU, or americans in general, this is global.

IMO, when someone says “Who made YOU an expert”, that remark just pisses me off.

Like, if some company made a game, and some idiot says “that game sucks”, and then another jerk says “I’d like to see YOU make it better”.

Just because someone has an opponion, doesn’t mean they HAVE to be an expert on that particular subject. I see it all the time, and it’s SO provocative it kills me. :m:

it’s like if someone goes to see a movie, and say" I hated that, what a jerk *** movie", and another says, “I’d like to see YOU make a better one”.

What an assy thing to say!? NO I can’t make a better movie, but that doesn’t mean I can MAKE a better one! I don’t have to be better than someone to have an oppinion!!

My point is, this guy has a oppinion of his own, maybe it’s wrong, he most likely got it from media propaganda like **** (what else IS media, come on…), but that doesn’t mean he HAS to be an expert on America to say that.

Remember, this is not directed at you, just a general thought I’ve had for a long time, and I hate seeing it…


(don’t take it badly folks, I’m not against you!)

true eilsoe, but if someone has an opinion about America, don’t you think that opinion should be based on something, rather than a quick snipe, then leaving…

You don’t have to be an expert to have an opinion, but it does help to have some sort of basis to back it up.

If I said a movie sucks, it doesn’t mean I could do it better… But if I say that Disney sucks, I had better have a reason to say that is all…

anyone is entitled to an opinion, but if you make an inflamatory remark, expect to get a few ugly responses…


rev: Of course he needs a basis for his oppinion, it’s just that I see it all to often, that the other party responds with what I said above :wink:

ok dont get me wrong i think there are many good things about america and the people who inhabit it are not directly at fault for the state of their country.

However i cannot ever recal having mad snipers and gunmen ANYWHERE in europe apart from a few terrorist based actions which in many cases where targetted at amercian embassies.

It must be said that violence wise when compared to other countries with properly democraticaly and lawfully elected governments, that the US has way more deadly violence happening on a daily basis than almost any one.

I am not a sociologist or philospher or great thinker im a guy on a flash forum so i dont know why this is, but i know its true.

Think about it guys is it coincidence that you have like 1000s of times more gun deaths there than anywhere else considered civilised ?

The US has a more active gun culture that has existed since the beginning of time…well since the landing…err founding. There are probably more individuals here who take up hunting as a sport than there are guns in Europe :beam:

so how does that equate to killing each other ??


There are probably more individuals here who take up hunting as a sport than there are guns in Europe

also this a flawed argument to excuse predisposition to violent crime to being somehow linked to availability of weapons ?

Its a moot argument if it held weight then how about those millions of steak knives and powertools we all own which can easily be used to kill others !
yet people do not kill simply because they have the means to surely ?
To kill requires a certain level of basic disregard for basic human rights not just access to weaponry.

oh and believe me while they are not openly sold it is pretty easy to get hold of guns in london (and no doubt other UK cities) the simple truth is not as many people in other civilised countries feel a need to shoot their fellow citizens with sniper rifles…

I would bet that she/he is probably mentally “out there.” Most sane/non-radical people do not shoot people or kill other people for that matter. There are probably numerous (more than a sniper) deaths involving steak knives, but they probably don’t get that much attention as a “sniper.”

EDIT: I think domestic violence and murders involving blunt objects and knives cause more deaths. Not sure though.

EDIT2: This isn’t a large-scale, societal problem. Not everybody happens to be a sniper intent on killing others. A few are though.

of course s/hes ‘out there’ that im not disputing.

I was mearly pointing out proven facts about murder rates in america being so much higher than anywhere else, be they with steak knives, guns, whatever…

my steak knife example merely proved that having access to weapons does not induce violent behaviour.

When you compare other nations with similar economic and social backgrounds, the US does have more gun deaths. Some countries have more guns per person, some countries have looser gun laws, but the US does happen to have slightly more deaths nonetheless. There doesn’t seem to be any other reasonable explanation beyond it’s just something that has been part of the US since the early days - guns, duels, etc. :huh:

There doesn’t seem to be any other reasonable explanation beyond it’s just something that has been part of the US since the early days - guns, duels, etc.

and of cours us guys in europe were never violent throughout our histories.
UK in middle ages was postively barbaric and im sure you are familiar with the english attrocities in inida as just one example.

the UK for example is no less violent historically, in fact its many times more violent historically.
And then theres germany they have a very violent history very recently, and yet no masses of gun crimes there, cause its just not an accepted part of life in europe that people will be killed with guns sold and endorsed by government sponsored bodies on a daily basis.

Look beyond the box man, entertain this idea for a while.

It is possible that the US government and ruling elite like this state of paranoia and violence their country is almost perpetually in.
It suppreses an otherwise unsupressable amount of people, violence has been made part of your culture to control you and keep you subjugated by police and soon maybe even military rule.

Yeah…right. I actually believe it is the Irish. Entertain that also - both are equally plausible :beam:


I actually agree with you on the current Pres keeping the balls in the air in order to distract like the street magician he is…

My only fear is that he has only started to pay off his Dad’s debt, let alone how much this spoiled frat boy owes…

just my pessimistic views of the current leader of the free world…
