Any comments would be great!!!1
You should have linked right to you flash site I almost didn’t find it. You should at elast lable the navigation on your main page. I would also mabye lable your back button. It was a little hard to find. Nice site and nice Idea but it needs a little work yet
I do agree with labeling the nav. I was thinking that I should use the blank space inbetween the hands to point everything out. I was thinking the use of the blue for navigation indicators on the index page would relate to the blue thumb on the ‘recentCreations’ page. Maybe I need to define it abit more. Thanks for the Critique!!!
No problem. It is a very good start. I would mabye add a little more color to the other pages as well. Mabye a boarder of the same color as your nav menu at the start.
thanks man…will keep that in mind. Got some projects to complete first, not to mention sending out resumes to find a job! As soon as I get a chance, I plan to redesign again.
I’m in the same boat. I need to re-design my content sections but have to much other crap in the way.
I know!!!took a look at your site. Very nice work! clean. Fonts are original (Nav I mean) but I like it. Cold up there in Canada?
Like your transitions as well! clean
Yes it is cold, smart ass:P It just started to snow so it will be getting very cold very soon. Thanks for the comments. I can’t remember where I found that font. I think it was fontalisous ore something. I think I might redesign the nave buttons a s well.
HAHAHAHA That I am! sorry, cold down here in tejas too. sure not like up there, but cold the same! I think it would be a good idea to redesign your nav. I like the font, but it is alittle hard to read. Especially on your index page. Like it, but legibility seems to suffer a bit. Know what iM sayin. Even if you were to fill the insides of the font with a light black or grey. Give it some contrast. That might solve the prob.
Ya that spalsh page I made in like 5 min. I needed something quick so i threw that up there and haven’t had time to change it. The nav buttons I really want to change. For some reason when it comes to butoons my skills fail me. I just can’t design a button I like. I’ll think of something but waht:-\
orginality is a ***** sometimes:pirate: I know. trust me. there was a time I thought I lost my creativity. soundz ****ed up, but if you go to my ‘dedication’ site, enter it and click on ‘accident’, that will better describe to you what I mean!!!
That sucks man. I would’ve hated to lose that much time becasue someone was driving when they shouldn’t have.
The pictures of the tattooed person is that u?+
yep…is all me…all true as well. and yes it did suck…to put it kindly…:beam:
car was mine too…at least what was left of it!!
Whats the tattoo mean?
it’s what I would describe as a ‘life marker’…I originally saw it in a vision when I was 19, in the trees one late nate. I get those sometimes. hard to explain, but my heart starts beetin real fast, breeth fast, cretain things come into focus that was orginally not noticed. Sounds crazy, but its true. I close my eyes and I see things bright as day… I knew from the moment I saw it in those trees it was for some reason important, and it needed to be on my back. The artist who put it there was not the best, and I know that it is only the beginning of markers…the true meaning…only god knows…He kept me here for a reason, He allowed me to see what I saw…you know that gut feelin you get sometimes…listen to it…there is a reason for everything that happens in life; good or bad…sorry, not tryin to preach…promise Im not crazy though…
too bad you’re not crazy… :*(
and I was just beginning to take a shine to ya… =)
hahahaha well everyone is in their own way:crazy: (-: :beam:
Hey anyone who can survive the people of Dallas is okay by me!