Which Digital Camera?

Hey all ive been lucky enough to get a choice on a birthday present , which is a digital camera :slight_smile:

Has any one got some recommendations for what i should get?

Iam using it for all round, web, print and any else i can think of, so i want a pretty good one , but its got to be under $1000(Australian) Dollars.

Now, two models have caught my eye,

The canon Powershot S45 with 4.0 megapixels


and the sony DSC P9 4.0 megapixels as well


tell me what u think??

wow, you’re lucky! I’ll be happy with a 3 mega pixel camera. Both of those cameras are pretty good, but i would go with the Canon one cause I heard they make better lens since they’ve been making cameras longer. Don’t quote me though, I might be wrong.

I’ll go for an Olympus digital camera, it produces one of the sharpest, smoothest, and most colorful images you’ll find…anywhere.

oh and remember get the Optical Zoom, and not the Digital Zoom.

The digital zoom just enlarges it with software (like you can do with PS) but the optical zoom is an actual lens and you wont get a picture that will degrade that way =)

This is supported in my Olympus Digital Camera Raydrad. :evil:

Oh i know =) but ya have to specifically say stuff like that =) Just so people dont get the wrong one =)

Yeah I know iam pretty shocked that my parents are giving me the chance for this, well it is my 21st, so i guess thats why :slight_smile:

SO yeah i thinking the canon as well, the silver metal structure dosent hurt as well, lol

Ive heard about the Olympus cameras , she (the lady at camera house) told me about 'CAMEDIA C-730 UltraZoom which has optical zoom 10X.


Any more ideas?

Actually, I would go with the Sony.

It’s smaller in size, and lighter in weight (think carrying this around all of your travels). Sony’s optics are very comperable to Canon, and the max shutter speed (1/2000) on the Sony is better, as well (shots in bright daylight will have more detail).

I have a few friends with Olympus digital cameras, and all swear by them. Canon can be a little stuborn when it comes to where and how they have their buttons/options placed (kind of like Mac does in a way).



Yeah and i like the super macro feature where you can take close ups of things as close as 4cm , crazy closeups of my favourite spider :smirk:

also, in my opinion, zooms are overrated…

with film, most cameras do not have zooms, and everybody just takes a step or 2 closer. An optical zoom will eat up light (it will require a flash more often), and can give the image a grainy appearance. It all depends on what you use the camera for. Personally, I am more inclined to take a picture of a bug, rather than a bird in the top of a tree…

But that’s me…


talk about cameras, that bridge photo on your site is amazing!!

‘you go first’

and that ‘red creek’ one , geez, i would like to see enlarged versions of those!

Thanks, I shot those over 20 years ago on Kodak Slide Film, then mounted them in glass to preserve them…


I have to agree with H88 - because i own an olympus Camera and it’s fantastic.

I have the 550 Zoom, it’s 3.0 mega pixels, 2.8 optical Zoom, 10x Digital zoom and it takes the cleanest pictures i have ever seen.

the rez is huge for anything I would ever use it for 1984 x 1488 and you can take Tiffs with it as well!!! Great for doing any print work. Buf if you are able to spend that kind of money (mine was about $650 canadian) then I would go with an olypus only maybe a newer model since you can afford it. They make the best lenses and have the best picture quality from what I have read.

The Sony camera is very good. Our family owns 2 Sony CyberShot 3.2 MegaPixel cameras and we love them! You want a 4 MegaPixel camera though, we don’t have your model, but if we love our less expensive Sony you will love yours! We have been searching for the right camera for a very long time. We also have two other digital cameras that are very new but not even close to as good as the Sonys. Also Sony cameras have very powerful Operating Systems. But get what ever camera you want! It’s your choice. I heard there are many other camera brands in Japan (Samsung, etc.)

Hey, ive just recently found out that my price bracket on the digital camera has gone up, due to my brother and my parents are putting in together to get it.

And ive been looking around and have found that the two that i really am intresting in are the canon Powershot S45 and the canon Powershot G3.

Which one do you think is better, if not better which one would you buy?

PowershotG3 photos


PowershotS45 photos


[SIZE=4]Olympus[/SIZE], You won’t ever think of buying something else after using olympus. :slight_smile:

I want a 4 Megapixel camera , and the olympus out with the x10 optical zoom is only 3.2 , i dnt really need x 10 zoom, ive got photoshop.

The powershot G3 is looking like the one,

I heard it has changable lens? is this true, or do you need a converter of some sort, How does this work?