Tell me about shortcuts man… I always get mixed up with those.
Quark Xpress is by far the best for desktop publishing. 95% of print media is done in QX. I’ve worked as a designer in a newspaper for couple years and I used to know it by heart, but now I’m not that good at it… :sigh:
… oh and the other reason I use PS (which is the main reason) is that I get source and am suppose to provide source in PSD format and its just easier handling it in PS than going back and forth and coverting between FW and whatnot.
if ms paint zoomed in closer it would be that definately i love that stuff but seen as it doesnt and im lazy doing effects its photoshop. whats that cinima 4d im really curious is it 3d imaging coz i might get a copy of it, im getting into 3d imaging with swift and stuff so it might be cool.
might seem funny, but I think that AfterEffects is quite good for stills to (okay, probably the best for videos though) I love its distortion functions (which lacks in PS, the simple ‘shear’ or ‘liquify’ filters are not enough), the way you can write text following a vector line etc… plus a bunchful of wicked filters… =), try it !
thats true mlkdesign, they have options to export image stills at high quality since you can create some effects there that would be much harder to do in photoshop. also save as 32 bit!!
EG:: Your not old school, stick to what works best for you, I use the same apps that you do, its called “Industry standards”
And i do also hate quark with a a passion, although as quoted from my lecturing when i was studyinig “why do you hate it so much when your so good at working with it” I tell you why " NO BLOODY HISTORY !!!" i mean this would drive me nuts! working on 100 page documents and one little error to a master page would set me back a few hours !!!
theres actually one more thing, no opacity as well.
I would advice Xpress users to check out Adobe Indesign2, its pretty awesome , basically photoshop and Quark merged, handles psd’s and handles transparencies , has opacity and HISTORY!!! :!: add some great export to pdf options and thats all you need.
I use mostly every appt you guys mentioned and then some, from adobe programs to macromedia to the blasted Corel programs which i hate with a passion almost as big as quarx but i hate Corel even more, but yes id have to agree with everyone here and say photoshop since it works with basically everything and its the industry standard Photoshop is it hands down, although some of the vector appts are having some nifty effects that are very similar to PS filters and effects like the new Freehand and teh new Illustrator CS which im playing with now i like the extrusion features which are more in depth thatn the Freehand ones but still great progress to a great appt :thumb: my advice si use them all and learn how you can use them all to your advantage
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I point my FW to the PS filters, and they are useable!
and I can’t stand Quark… I have to use it in a project I’m currently doing… aaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!
Rev **
True FW man rev…I do the same. I forgot about one tool that I use and dont laugh. But I use Paint Shop Pro 7…some good stuff for 49 bucks. If PS had better vector stuff I would use it more. I use it almost exclusively as post production.
I will be moving to illustrator CS soon as I get the Dough…Saving layers as versions is great…And I heard it has extrude now. I have recently come to love illustrator.
I use Photoshop for intense graphics, Fireworks MX for my Emblems, less complex graphics and vector based graphics.
For my print work I use QuarkXPress and I also use Quark for some newspaper ads I do for some company’s out here in CO.
I am sad to say I have never used illustrator, my dad had it once, he was pretty good at it so I am sure it’s not to hard but still, I have never used it.
Actually, Gimp 2.0 is now available at and it can be run on Windows if you install the GTK. Photoshop is by far better but if you can’t aquire it GIMP is the way to go. For free software it’s awesome.
Photoshop, not so intense. Tried Xara X, it is quite nice for beginners and ‘basic’ editing. Well, the basic is pretty enough though… playing with Corel Painter 8 trail.
well i’m still studying, i use to fool around the most in Flash than any other programs. Recently, i’m into this 3D stuff(to cope up with the industry standard perphaps??)