GW/Saddam, Kittens, and Thermonuclear Research

Basically, anybody can conduct this research at home. All you needed was:



In my view, creating such high-quality tablecloth (not in picture) would be possible only by rearranging the atoms using a nuclear bomb.

[size=1]Note: Kirupa and his imaginary research team funded by an offshore imaginary corporation employing a shady professor from some country with 10 letters and no vowels are not responsible for any damage caused to your existing tablecloth from the successful completion of this experiment.[/size]

Here is an excerpt from a book written by Eustice Mullins called ‘The World Order: Our Secret Rulers’ According to the author:

“Five men rule the world. This Council of Five consists of Baron Guy de Rothschild, Evelyn de Rothschild, George Pratt Shultz, Robert Roosa (from Bush’s family firm of Brown Brothers Harriman) and one vacancy, at this writing. In the past several years, members of the Council who have died include Averill Harriman, Lord Victor Rothschild, and Prince Thurn und Taxis of Regensburg, Germany. None of them holds public office, but they choose who shall hold office in the nations. These five men comprise the apex of the pyramid of power, the World Order.”

Interesting Stuff

This was excerted from an article that was sent out on the Delmart Vreeland Thread that we are both a part of…

No link, but a quick internet search on Eustice Mullins yeilded many results…