Hack the Planet


I love when hackers change websites to be totally against what the owners of the site stand for. They turned the Al Jazeera web site into a big American flag. Didn’t wanna put this into the politics/war thread because its got to do with hacking, and well, no one checks that thread anyways :).

hm… nice :slight_smile:

goes off to turn cnn.com into a big iraqy flag :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, for once it wasn’t the riaa that got hacked :wink:

lol, i like them! seem like good guys, more of a “Grey Hat,” for a good cause but it was a bit militious. so its a mix

i saw this too! very funny. =)

Except that the TV station had nothing bad goin on with it. They should have hacked some organizations website instead.

but isnt it like the major Middle-East TV Station? it has like 3 stations and stuff

Ya, and its showing the real side of the war

*Originally posted by morse *
**Ya, and its showing the real side of the war **

Media = bias

the media here does not show the whole truth, the media there does not even come close (even more than here). Media is not a window to the truth, it is a window to what is embraced by the popular culture in the region. There is NO media source that will offer you the “true story” – and if you feel that way I feel sorry for you. \

Heck there are people in the world that will swear the CIA executed the 9-11 bombings.

I am very anti-war. I am very politically active. And I think… everyone should read more. Read internet sites, read differnt papers, but dont assume you know **** - cuz most of us dont (and that includes all of the activasts that claim to support the “true path”). The more I lean I more I realize the less I know. I am going off now, so I’ll stop. All I have to say is if you have a brain (anyone to read this) look deeper. If you don’t get it; I’m sorry for you.


…sorry to be bitter, but I am disappointed in my fellow counrty-men

really I am just pissed. I dont like people saying they are trying to achieve… ok ok

I am ranting… I’m just pissed right now… **** I hate family sh!t.

Yea, I’m disappointed in the U.S. taking the crap bush feeds us.

hehe, they always have phunny ideas…

There is a bit of an uproar (in a very British way) about Al-Jazeera at the moment… Apparently they broadcast news footage of English soldiers / PoW being executed. That seems to have ruffled a lot of feathers.


The BBC are refusing to show the footage, which naturally has made everyone intensely curious. The media are being sensasionalist as per usual and the Government are saying Iraq has breached the Geneva Convention. :sigh:

When will people just grow up and stop spouting testosterone?

They havent breached the Geneva Convention, thats one reason bush is so pissed.

The thing with the Geneva Convention is really ridiculas. The would have attacked without UN resolution and then they claim that Iraq is not paying attention to the Geneva Convention…

Ah, the irony.

Personally I’ve given up on getting anything honest from either Government or the media. One side says one thing, the other side denies it… I can’t even be bothered to watch the news any more, which is sad.