Happy 4th of July

Oh that was a good 4th played *volley ball forever it seemed like and drank a bit to much my heads kind of spinning a bit (probably really tired).

Hope everyone else had a good day. Love all the fireworks.

*Volley Ball at my cousins has 2 feet flat surface for the first 50 feet then it slopes off to the lake… thus everyone dives for it making it fun (so like 8 people on each side).

I couldn’t get Dave Mathews band tickets.

^You didn’t have tickets for a Dave concert? His concerts like sell out really fast usually (I went from Michigan to Wisconsin for a huge one when I was 17).

Real bummer… how were you planning on getting tickets?

The tickets sold out in 20 minutes originally. So i looked on craigslist and the person i was going to buy them from sold them even though I was supposed to pick them up yesterday.

The music and fireworks in Austin were great … they were moved this year to Auditorium Shores, and it was much easier to hear the music at the new location. The fireworks were much closer, too.

Oh, and the fireworks reflected neatly off the building near the lake; it was pretty. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=zellers;2353458]Funny how we nvr got a Happy July 1rst :confused:


Did something special happen on the 1st?

thats when the moose was invented

My theory is that no one really celebrates July 4th for Independence Day anymore. People just want an excuse to blow **** up.

You’d be hard pressed to find one holiday that’s not really just an excuse to do something. The only popular and widely celebrated holidays are the ones that have some sort of special activity involved, and the activity never really has anything to with the actual holiday.

what about easter, thats just showing how jesus made the greatest treasure hunt, and changed how rabbits reproduce:party:

^ :lol: I love watching rabbits hatch! (Just kidding.)

Wait rabbits dont come out of eggs?

Bam! New footer line!

:lol: You’ve got the maple syrup quote :pleased:

Of course. :beam:

I was joking

too late…

[QUOTE=shane-c;2353852]You’d be hard pressed to find one holiday that’s not really just an excuse to do something. The only popular and widely celebrated holidays are the ones that have some sort of special activity involved, and the activity never really has anything to with the actual holiday.[/QUOTE]

What about just about all of the non-‘american’ and non-christian holidays? :wink:

Stuff like Mother’s and Father’s day?

i got 200 dollars to eat a scorpion (tail cut off)
def made my 4th a little better