Harsh members

lol, you can pin me as the enemy all you want Phil, I really don’t care. David didn’t go on for months while you were gone, I think he created one thread (or post) that MAY have lasted a max of 2 days or so (if that), and I don’t even remember what was said, but I don’t really care either.

Honestly, I probably DID side with David when the argument actually meant something (back when this first started), but it quickly fizzled into an all out hate war between you and the original issue was lost and now it seems to just be bickering and slandering whenever one or the other gets a shot, which gets NOWHERE.

I hereby give myself the right to edit EITHER PHILS, or DAVIDS posts, when I see EITHER of them starting/continuing a fight. May it be in top secret, random, or wherever.

agreed phil? :slight_smile:

and david?

if we see it, we remove it.

As I see it phil, david starts fights, and you start fights, agreed david starts the majority of them, but you also drag them into infinity :slight_smile:

a simple request from all, just keep it between the two of you, as lost said, just stay away from eachother :slight_smile:

if you see david posting something about you, that you don’t like, let it be, and wait for another mod to remove it. or maybe just remove it yourself, and NOT post a comment against him, that’s the way it always starts…

the same thing goes phor david as well :slight_smile:

I’m not taking sides here, I say same rules go for the both of you :slight_smile:

case cleared, ranting ending NOW :slight_smile:


hmm… since Kirupa has not yet taken my request to be removed as mod, I’ll admit that I do still visit these forum in a viewer state only (ie Lurker). In fact this is the first post I think I’ve made in a month. I am not at all tired of fighting with Phil, but I upset Reverend Flash, and that I could not abide. The only alternative is to leave the forum. In addition I do not feel that the rules are even across the board for both mods and members here at kirupa. That too I cannot abide, and I will not have my name attached to.

Since I do however still have a view of things like this thread I would like ask one thing. I am acused of abusing a member of this board 43 times. I would like someone, anyone to send me even a partial list of these threads to peruse. If it is true that there are even a dozen threads directly attributable to the concept of “causing trouble” to Phil, I will go the step further, and remove myself from even a viewing status of this board. I, don’t believe it. This is your chance to get rid of me permanently Phil. If you wish it to happen, you have the tools necessary to inact it.

I know what some of you think of me, that I have a personal gripe which causes me to specificaly go after Phil. I have always contended, and still do, that my actions are motivated towards the continued construction and definition of this site. I believe in rules in a forum and I believe that those rules should apply to both moderators and members alike. I believe that all of my posts, except for a few where I actually lost my cool, were oriented towards that endevor. I know now that my presence is not helpful towards that end, but hurtful. That no matter my intentions the result is what is important. I will not be party to the destruction of the site, regardless of my feelings about it’s rules.

Blessed be, people may the board survive and thrive regardless of my presence.

PS~ thank you all for seeing what I see, at least this time. I had nothing to do with this thread, or any others in over a month. I truely have let it die. I have no desire to fight, or to be fought with.