Yeah - it’s some alien kid. I spoke to him yesterday. He is a cool guy. He told me he’ll post on the forums later. He does not have control of what I am typing right now.
One more step to total human annilation.
Or the other way around…poor aliens. AlienBurger does taste better, is less fatty, and more nutritious
New Scientist said the signal could be generated by a previously unknown astronomical phenomenon or even be a by-product from the telescope itself.
I would like to point out the use of “New” and “previously unknown”. Wouldnt it have been better to say “We really have no clue what this is”. I saw signs, I am going out to buy a baby monitor now.
Yeah, I like the vitamin burgers, A-Z and @-& all included. But are they cheaper?
SETI says that this info is a but exaggerated:
Hahahahaah…we are SO screwed.
Ever see Mars Attacks? (I don’t recommend it, but if you have, I hope the scars have healed.)
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][color=black]A signal that drifts so quickly that it can only be heard for seconds at a time at a given frequency can only be detected by blind luck. Needless to say, such a transmission is an unlikely vehicle for message from an advanced civilization.[font=Verdana][size=2]
Or…a clever ploy to determine our level of technology! Their seeing if we can thwart their invasion!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Starts ranting about Doomsday Prophecies and conspiracy theories before being taken out by a Government sniper from 300 yards
Guess who the sniper is?
So are they messing around with my computer while the screensaver is on?
Or do I have to have their screensaver?
everyone knows SETI@Home is really a secret government project designated to inform them of what sort of person you are… i.e. whether you support bush or not (if not, expect an assault squad in the next week or so… i had to beat them off with a baseball bat…)
You know the Starfield Simulation screensaver?
[size=1] (It’s real)[/size]
ROFL kril!
LOL, I found out a way to put in as a background service, I have it running on dozens of computers, pushing 10K units since 4-03 :alien2:
i often wonder what make people think that aliens would be more powerful and have the power to end the human race…
To me the proof that aliens are NOT hostile is the fact that we are still here.
I believe arrogance is not permitted in the universal community. That is why we are not part of it (yet).
It’s all the fault of the media… back in the day when people actually read tabloids… it formed certiain impressions which still haven’t entirely been washed out…
universal community
LMAO! I love that term, I can just see the consort of interplanetary representitives sitting around discussing whether or not to invade another planet. Kinda like star wars, eh?
If the aliens doesn’t get us, we’ll get ourselves. The whole stereotype’ll kill us all. I’ve been doubting some ‘members’ in here already.
I’ve been doubting some ‘members’ in here already.
PLease elaborate.