Sorry guys, I’m sure there have been countless numbers of these Mac vs PC threads but I could not find any.
To the point, I am at a quandary, next year is my last year of high school and my parents have always said I can get a notebook or desktop (whichever I choose) for college.
Currently I’m looking into notebooks but the big issue here is the OS. For the most part, what I do on computers are:
Maya (starting to get into 3d, not far though :D)
and After Effects.
I know, original huh? Now I have asked a TON of people on their opinions and on either side it really seems quite biased between OS X or XP/Vista.
Currently I run on XP, with a fairly decent system, but even that still lets me down. I’ve never owned a Mac but I hear they are much more stable and good for the kinds of things above.
I was hoping I could get the opinions of you guys and hopefully make my decision a bit easier.
P.S. I’m not really sure what I would go with for a PC, as in company. Such as gateway or HP or the likes. But If I were to get a Mac, I think I would go with the MBP, simply because it has raw power and with Leopard on the horizon it looks promising.
Also, software is not an issue, I make a decent amount of money at my job…not a whole lot, I’m only 17. And I rarely spend any money on anything BUT software. But I can always get software through academic superstore. (if I need to change OS from what I currently have.)