LOL…Aislin you’re a dork…what are you smokin!!! hahaha :beam:
I don’t smoke anything. I drank a weeeeee bit too much Coke and Pepsi tonight. I just finished my exams so first semester is DONE! AND I ate like a POUND of french toast at this diner. they make the sweetest french toast.
oh. AND I won in a basketball game with my friends. I think I was going to collapse after, but for some reason after the excercise and the pepsi put together… I feel HYPER!
e-geek is cool.
I’d give my [COLOR=royalblue]vote[/COLOR]
Rynoe for MOD, end of discussion. :sure:
Don’t try that!
*Originally posted by Aislin *
**ElectronGeek should be mod! he does stuff! I remember like my first question he answered in like two seconds! I think… it feels like so long ago. Kirupa forums rule. sheds a tear
And while I’m on the topic! I SHOULD BE MOD! **
just by looking at the first post i knew this was going nowhere…lol EG does stuff…lol good one aislin…
Exactly what I was thinking, it was a good laugh though watching Aislin post while he’s experiencing a sugar high. =)
[COLOR=crimson]Thus begins the lesson:[/COLOR]
The stregnth of the chain begins with the prominent link!
■■■■ Aislin, what’d you have for breakfast?? 8 pounds of raw sugar??
Shane for mod!
geek for mod!
sen for mod!
Aislin for mod!
rynoe for mod!
and last but not least…
me for mod!
Why shouldn’t we have EVERYBODY AS MODERATORS! :pirate:
[SIZE=1]::It’d be chaos::[/SIZE]
I don’t think there is aneed for mods right now but i’m not against anything
modding is for losers
I actually turned down being a mod for FK :-\
*Originally posted by senocular *
**modding is for losers
I actually turned down being a mod for FK :-\ **
I disagree with that. To be a mod is cool, sure there is a lot of bad mods, but generally they´re cool ppl with some knolege.
the mods here at kirupa are the best i´ve seen around, some have lots of patience and knolege, others have a fun way to mod and etertain ppl, but all of them are way cool.
i don´t crave to become a mod, that´s not why i´m sucking up them, i just like them.
tho i have no part in any decision here, I really agree and support ppl like you (sen) and geek for modhood =) as well some other ppl too. I think we coould never have too much mods, specially those there are here for long (not post #) and done significant contribuitions to the kirupian comunity.
And i think that not all mods have to be flash wiz, or any wiz, so to speak, but they need to be calm, fun and kind.
Just like the ones we have now
Almost a year ago I didn’t want to become amod! (I would have said no if someone had asked me). But now I don’t mind though there are enough mods already! No need for me me thinks!
Why is being a MOD special? When I first came to Kirupa, I came because I wanted to learn flash. I remain here because I enjoy how this forum functions and I enjoy helping people. All that didn’t require me to be a MOD, so I see no need for me to be a MOD. A lot of the people on this forum already treat me as a MOD so I see no difference in me being a MOD or not. =)
the only reason I would want to be a mod is to spam the secret mod forums
hahaha Sen you’re a true spammer, so do you still spam FK?
I came here to learn flash as wellbut think of being a mod in the best forum in the world!
What can I say… like a dream come true! <— flushed awaaaayyyy!
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**hahaha Sen you’re a true spammer, so do you still spam FK? **
I never really spammed FK, I just cruised the AS and MX/general forums helping people. I had a few breif experiences with their random equivalent (2 or 3) both blew… never went back. I did more in JC at WH, but thats no more so I came to claim kirupa as a vehicle for my spaminosity
If anyone Elec and Sen get my vote. But we have 16 Mods in a ton of time zones, there is almost ALWAYS a mod here. 16 mods for about 2500 (give or take) ppl i think is enough. I too wouldnt mid it i wont denye that but i dont crave it an live here for it. But i really think we dont need a new one for a long long time…besides, we got like what 50 at most repete posters? lol…