■■■■… I was feeling pretty good about my flash skills, but then I see other people’s projects and I feel like such a newbie… I’ve only been doing Flash since December… geez. For those of you who are awesome at flash… how long have you guys been doing it?
you can´t compare yourself with some ppl here like sen, ilyas, lost, h88, etc… in flash skills, coz these ppl are not human, and don´t have a life at all.
i´m not that advanced, coz i AM human but i don´t have a life too , so, i´m only the half of these guys
seriously, those that have uncany flash skills are great programers in other languages like C++ and such, therefore, they have a way with that obscure and complicated part of flash that i like to call AS, that we, normal ppl, don´t have.
Don’t be too hard on yourselves.
To get good - really good - takes time, you just have to practice. It’s like anything else. I found the best way to learn is to go through tutorials, try things out and then think of your own ways to expand them. Don’t try and run before you can walk, kind of thing. From the look of it you’ve got the basics down, so it’s just a matter of keep doing things with the skills.
Oh, and welcome to the forums.
eh… I could do something like megacar… you can tell it doesnt involve that much actionscript… it’s all animations, and those are easy to do. but I was thinking more of this site…
Like the calendar that the dude has there… it’s awesome. My site doesnt have timeline animations… it’s all math, but the reason why I feel like such a newbie is that I’m still getting accustomed to flash. For a while I didnt really look at tutorials or anything, I was just exploring stuff on my own (like with my site) but then I started looking at tutorials and a book I bought, and I’m just doing stupid stuff (like writing code inside a movie instead of writing it to an object…)
And there’s still some stuff I can’t do. I’m writing a little pong game (cause I want to get started in writing games for flash) and I have everything set except that I dont know how to stop the action if someone scores… AAAAAARRGHH I’m frustrated… I want to get better already.
I guess I’m just annoyed that I dont really have that much TIME to work on flash.
AAAAAARGH… I just feel like smacking someone… hehe
Lavaboy, this may sound pretty negative, but there will always be someone better than you and it’s important to have someone better than you so you can gain inspiration and push forward.
I come to this forum mainly to learn flash and help others, but I also come to gain inspiration.
It’s perfectly normal to feel inferior to some of the people here because I feel the same as well, but don’t let it stop you from pushing forward.
You may not know this, but there are probably others out there that feels inferior looking at your work too. So keep that in mind and good luck. =)
As long as there are people feeling inferior to me, I’m set!
Well, I’d like to think I’m better than some people. A lot of people, actually. I think I’m better than most people on the planet at flash. (When I say this, I mean the ones that don’t know flash. My cruddy skills are at least better than theirs!)
the first step to failure is trying - homer
:A+: homer puts everything in perspective!
Just as Stevie Ray Vaughn didn’t learn to play guitar in a few months, the same can be said for Flash.
I spent 6-8 hours a day for 6 solid weeks before I even built a flash site for money. I still spend 4-5 hours a week trying to learn new stuff about the program (it is an extremely robust program), offline from Kirupalvania[SIZE=1]::I still think Kirupalvania is a much better name::[/SIZE] …
So don’t dispair, practice, practice, practice…
if it’s kirupalvaina, what would that make Kirupa? Count Kirupala?
that has a kinda Yittish sound to it… Kirupala… ha ha!
It would make us all Kirupals (kinda like the Mongols)…
Long Live Kirupalvania!
I’m a newb and I’ve been Flashing since 4.0.
I don’t consider myself a newbie, but in terms of Flash, there are two sides… Design, and Coding. I for one am stronger in the coding side and am a complete n00b in the design department of it. I fail horribly there.
Flash takes a really long time to learn, you can’t expect to do a superhere site in a matter of a few months… that site probably took a few months just to make!
I have been learning Flash for 8 months now and I STILL learn something new every day. So it takes a really long time.
It also helps to know other languages, like I knew Javascript before learning Actionscript, and since they are similar in many ways, it helped my learning process go quicker.
Playamarz is a great coder as well and he also knows a ton of other languages like C++, PHP, Javascript, mySQL, ASP, etc that probably helped him learn actionscript better.
Ilyas and Sen are just pure bred I think… not sure
Don’t be down on yourself, just give it time.
Don’t take it so hard, bro…
I’m still learning new things everyday, and I’ve been using Flash ever since F4…
Keep practicing as much as you can… That’s the only way you can advance yourself… Time and effort will show you off soon… =)
lostinbeta… 8 months??? Dang… I knew that you Kirupans are not human, but that’s toooooooo good to be true… 8 months??? Shut up!!! :evil:
Those people who live in Kirupaville and have been aged well are not human… They all posses special abilities that they have practiced so hard that they lose their own social life and keep themselves inside of the Kirupaville… So, young man… Go outside and get some fresh aire… and come back and study!!! :cyborg:
Cyan: Yeah, I have been using Flash for only 8 months. My abilities aren’t really that great when it comes to overall coding, but I am good with bits and pieces. There are still people here like Playamarz, Ilyas, h88, Sen, Sbeener, bit-101, etc that can wipe the floor with me. But I know where I want to go, so I am slowly learning and trying to work my way there.
I get plenty of fresh air, but where I live, I would rather not be outside, I am safer inside (maybe).
The outside is full of demonic huminoids that wnt to eat me alive…
Anyways… Now that I’ve got that off my chest.
Thanks beta… But yeha… I won’t say how long I spent in AS>. Most of you would hate me and throw books at me… But I’ve known the Flahs interface since Flash 3. But… I never started coding until Flash 5 really late… And too late…C ause I got Flash MX a week later…
I built a physics ball demo…
[swf=http://www.fantom-stranger.com/~mentalconcepts/experiments/balltest.swf height=350 width = 350][/swf]
That was after my first week of AS study… Sorry guys… i didn’t wanna tell you… But to make it feel less… I stuied JavaScript and C++ beforehand… And anyone who has seen those langauges nows the syntax is close…
But I’m not that good… I’ll deny my abilities to the end of a shot rod… Just like EG keeps pounding my head about… IT WON’T WORK! lmao…
*Originally posted by lavaboy *
As long as there are people feeling inferior to me, I’m set!
Boy, I’m sure glad there was a following that bit… :!: …
Honestly … you have no idea (perhaps now somewhat of one) just how ‘advanced in flash’ you really are. I certainly didn’t know that you’d just picked Flash up recently.
I stumbled on your webGallery sample/code this afternoon, and I was going to hound you for code-comments and the .fla if I didn’t see it soon.
I also saw from your accolades in your site that you’re quite the Math/scientific type and am certain you’ll rocket right up there once you’re comfortable with all the bits in the prog.
Me (?) - I’m just too phreakin old to feel inferior to anyone… just a waste of time and anxiety… but I’ve been fumbling around with this for about a year and a half - and it still just looks like fancy HTML :phil: - but yer never too old fer jealousy -
…And to the rest of you Quick~Studies’ :beam:
Don’t sweat the small stuff
inEdit:the small things in life (ie: not being all that yet) :sure:
*Originally posted by RelandR *
…And to the rest of you Quick~Studies’ :beam:
Don’t sweat the small stuff **
But sometimes the small stuff is the most important with AS, but since they are small they don’t take long to learn so you should at least get them out of the way early
Hehe… Small stuff… That reminds me of something… You don’t know how glad I am to know that Flash doesn’t really care much about ‘;’ at the end… I had bad experience with Cobol long time ago where you should have ‘.’ at the end of each line… That was my first language which I had most of my problems grown… Small things are important things that you shouldn’t be missing…
I know it’s abit early(only 4:05am), but I guess I’ll go try to get some sleep… Take care, guys… :sleep: :sleep:
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**But sometimes the small stuff is the most important with AS, but since they are small they don’t take long to learn so you should at least get them out of the way early **
Yeah, that last line was misplaced [afterthought]… it shoulda went back up where I was talkin’ to Lavaboy, in ref to his angst over not being the ****** yet … I think I’ll move it…