Cyan: Yeah, javascript and php are not so forgiving with the semi-colon so I am used to placing them in the right place, but sometimes I am glad it doesn’t effect it either. Now if only it did that for curly brackets
RelandR: Oh ok
Cyan: Yeah, javascript and php are not so forgiving with the semi-colon so I am used to placing them in the right place, but sometimes I am glad it doesn’t effect it either. Now if only it did that for curly brackets
RelandR: Oh ok
I’ve begun to learn that if I don’t put a semicolon where I need it to be… I’ll die… lmao
Not really… But yeha… About the ball thing up there in my other post… I was soooooo happy when I made that… I felt spedcial… til I looked at what other people was doing… Then I felt stupid… lmao…
But really man… we all start off as newbies… But we expand our knowledge by how much you wnat to give in to it… I didn’t become the way I knew form sitting on my ***… I’ve researched many of nights and read many of books to get where I am… And I’m still moving on… I suggest you’d do the same if you’re serious about this… It’s quite rewarding everytime you help someone or finish a project of your own…
It’s bed time though… 4:15 am… Only got 2 hrs sleep last night… hehe…
I’ve begun to learn that if I don’t put a semicolon where I need it to be… I’ll die…
If I had a pound for every time one of my C / C++ programs crashed and burned simply because of a missed semi colon, I’d be a rich woman.
Ah, the joys of trawling through code to find that one you forgot…
There is a point when you can know too many languages. As I discovered whilst writing a UNIX ShellScript program, spending hours wondering why it wasn’t working, then realising that I’d written half of it perfectly… in DOS.
Like all things, it’s practice. Although if you’ve done OOP before tackling ActionScript then you have a slight advantage.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**If I had a pound for every time one of my C / C++ programs crashed and burned simply because of a missed semi colon, I’d be a rich woman.
Ah, the joys of trawling through code to find that one you forgot…
You aren’t joking about that at all… I remember those lovely days quite well… Trying to program with Driect X and Windows got me so frustrated that I have yet to look at it again… I deleted Borland’s C++ and everything… lol… I’d like to get bac into it but I kind-a lost my Borland’s Disc… Whoops?
There is a point when you can know too many languages. As I discovered whilst writing a UNIX ShellScript program, spending hours wondering why it wasn’t working, then realising that I’d written half of it perfectly… in DOS.
I hear that one… I remember just about 2 days ago someone asked me for a script for Flash MX and I gave it to him perfectly…
For PHP… lmao
Like all things, it’s practice. Although if you’ve done OOP before tackling ActionScript then you have a slight advantage. **
YaY! C++ all the way
wow… somehow I got unsubscribed from this thread… I thought this thread was dead…
Reland: Thanks man, that made me feel good. Although I’m not sure what you mean by accolades. I’m going to post a tutorial on the my Flash Album sometime soon, when I’m done with the bugs on my site (yes, there are some bugs you guys haven’t discovered.) If you need help, I’ll be glad to answer any of your questions.
Other stuff: I guess I’m just mad that in my mind I already have the flowcharts to most of the things that I want to do, but flash presents some added complications. I think maybe I’ve been thinking too much in terms of movies rather than code. I bet I could do the Pong game in a jiffy in C++. It’s like I’m always thinking ‘I know how to do this, now just how do I do this in flash?’
I’m still in the process of figuring out how to work with Flash and actionscript. I think one of my advantages is my creativity (well, in terms of that I get an idea that no one has done, and then I try to do it, or that I try to figure out someone else’s work, instead of just doing tutorials.) However, I’m just appaled at the amount of work doing something simple takes (because I have to figure out HOW to do it at first).
I eventually want to start a web design / advertising company (maybe in a couple of months), and one of my frustrations is also that I dont seem to have a sense of visual design… as you can see my website is kinda crappy in visual terms.
I mean, I know if I were given any kind of project in flash, I’d be able to do it… but I just want to minimize the TIME it takes me to do it.
Argh, I just need practice… I don’t have the experience to do things quickly.
And I still feel like smacking someone…
*Originally posted by playamarz *
Not really… But yeha… About the ball thing up there in my other post… I was soooooo happy when I made that… I felt spedcial… til I looked at what other people was doing… Then I felt stupid… lmao…
Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I came up with some of my early projects and I loved them… then I found amazing sites like levitated and bit-101 and I wanted to give up and cry. But instead of doing that I told myself that I wanted to get that good, and now I practice Flash religiously :bad:
If you need help, I’ll be glad to answer any of your questions.
Thx…I’ll be needing that - alot - Reland[size=4]R[/size]
*Originally posted by lavaboy *
…Reland: Thanks man, that made me feel good. Although I’m not sure what you mean by accolades. …
Of course you wouldn’t … that’s because you know what the word means and I was missusing it :sigh:
I meant accomplishments and it came out rewards… MethInks I read on your resume’ or some such part of your site that your quite the wiZzKidd [not that You said it - but it shows]
I sense that your used to mastering things fast… and it peeves you when it doesn’t happen when you think it should (?)
[down Cujo…Down]
I dont know if I get things fast, cause it’s not like I’ve ever gotten things slow or at a normal pace (I mean… I dont have anything to compare it to.)
Eh, and I dont think I’m a whiz kid, I just like doing certain things… and when you like something, you get good at it. When you’re motivated, you do things as hard as you can. Like Kobe… he’s really motivated to get better at playing the game.
I dont think it’s whether you get something fast or not, I think it’s more of whether you’re interested in something, and whether you have enough confidence to think you can achieve it.
The whiZzkidd crack was my emphesis… (it was a compliment)
That was to illustrate that given your achievements, it’s obvious that you’ll get there soon enough - and probably faster than most
thanks man… I feel the love… I feel the love…
Hey, why dont you guys post here some of the experimental stuff you’re working on… I’ll do that once I’m back at home… I’ll post my little stupid pong game that I can’t get working…
Ive been working on this…
have you figured out how to resize the box dynamically?
No, I took a break from it. Due to computer problems I cannot over-exhert my system therefore I have not been able to write a PHP script to dynamically set Variables.
hmm… can you just load the jpeg into the container movieclip, and then get the width and height of the clip, and then move the movieclip into a visible area?
I’m going to try that when I get home… you got me curious.
I want to do more with it that involves PHP. Top Secret :sleep:
Lost, I remembered I had bought a book on JavaScript (Sams Teach Yourself in 24 hours). I never bothered to learn it, but recently I have found myself yearning to learn more ActionScript than the little I know to make websites. Hereinlies (or however the heck you spell it ) the question: exactly HOW similar are JS and AS? What are the similiarities and differences? I don’t mean a whole page but a little bit. Thanks for your time!
do you think you could really learn it in a day? a day isn’t that long.
is it 24 hours, or a day. cause 24 hours could really be a half-hour lesson every day for 48 days, which is a very long time.
You can learn basic Javascript in a day yes, but not advanced JS.
JS and AS are similar in many ways. The ways they pass variabels are the same, they use the same if/else statements, for loops, function, prototypes, etc. JS and AS actually have some of the same functions like the Math functions and such. Also the way arrays works is the same as well.
One of the main differences between AS and JS is that JS is browser related and therefore has to be coded specifically for a browser, and well… of course getting JS code to work in a browser is obviously more complex then getting it to work in a program that is made for that kind of thing. You can’t just create movie clip symbols and have them do things for you. Or activate some code onEnterFrame or anything like that.
They are similar, but JS is a bit trickier to actually get to work the way you want it to (especially crossbrowser).
shane makes things make sense. Sensible Shane, we should call him.
thanks for your explanamationism there. I’m not into this complicated stuff, I’ll stick with the AS. …if I EVER learn it. Heheheh.
yeah, AS follows some language standard (you know… those usually ignored by microsoft) set by some group of internet gurus sometime ago… So if you know Javascript, you know most of flash… the other way around too.
Of course, there are limitations to AS… And one of the most annoying things about it is that your code can get all over the place…
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