<b>Hunts for European times</b> I’ll bet I’ve missed it, it’s gone midnight here now…
I think it’s in about 4hrs time
4am? Argh.
if it han’t happened here, how could it have happened there? we both look at the same moon, don’t we??
haha… that happened to me. They threw a brick through my window and the idiots took a cel phone and some loose change. They failed to take my pda, two laptops, 1 vcr, checkbook, wallet, sunglasses, etc…
Insurance covered the loss. No big deal.
Just think… It could have been much, much worse.
*Originally posted by Iammontoya *
**haha… that happened to me. They threw a brick through my window and the idiots took a cel phone and some loose change. They failed to take my pda, two laptops, 1 vcr, checkbook, wallet, sunglasses, etc…
Insurance covered the loss. No big deal.
Just think… It could have been much, much worse. **
wow, the must of been blind not to see all of that. lol but good thing they didnt.
golgi - sorry to hear about that, i hope they catch them
You did a wise thing by blocking your credit cards and stuff. It certainly sucks when something like this happens. Some guy stole my mum’s wallet in a store once. That same evening, a lady from some store calls to say she found her wallet in her trash can. The store was located 3 cities from the place we live. Everything was still there, except for the money… 20 Euros or something.
I had my system ripped off 2 years ago.
The bastard smashed out a side window and ripped out my 600 deck from my caddi.
They originally tried to pry open the passenger side door (ruining the power window) They got frustrated with apparently how hard my car was t get into and they smashed in my winshield too.
The beautiful thing was I didnt have glass coverage so I had to eat the cost of 3 new windows.
The idiot left a $3000 LCD proector in the back seat, and all my subs and 2 amps in the trunk.
Most thieves are not that bright.
Sorry Golgi, that’s nasty … I know what you mean about feeling violated. I had my car broken into twice in 3 weeks (feels great)
On a lighter note … here’s a story about a really really stupid thief. About 3 years ago a company opened up in the house next door to mine and it happens to be a security company - bodyguards and alarm systems and so on. So anyway about 2 months ago around 4 am we here a sound like an alarm and it seems to be coming from the van these guys have for transporting valuables with the company name on it and everything (I mean it says SECURITY on it in huge letters). Unfortunately all the guys were out on patrol so my dad decides to call up the general manager (with whom he is good friends now) and tells him about it but the guy claims high and low that there is no alarm on the van. Anyway all the guys turn up within 5 mins and give this guy a good beating (this is Romania and when they catch a thief or any other criminal red-handed they give him a real good beating - police included) then the police turn up and proceed to finish the beating. Now, the funny bit we found out the second day. When the complete and total cretin tried to hotwire the car he in fact hotwired the SIREN :beam: . And instead of running away he kept on trying to hotwire the car (mind u he didn’t try to stop the siren). Stupid idiot…
haha, thats a great story demonia.
hey, thanks to everyone for your kind words. you kirupans really helped me stay sane the other night. hehe. and the good news is, i have good insurance, and they will pay for my cd player to be replaced (cuz the dude/girl broke it when they tried to get it). :beam:
*Originally posted by Iammontoya *
**haha… that happened to me. They threw a brick through my window and the idiots took a cel phone and some loose change. They failed to take my pda, two laptops, 1 vcr, checkbook, wallet, sunglasses, etc…
Insurance covered the loss. No big deal.
Just think… It could have been much, much worse. **
maybe you were just drunk that night and you were looking for your cell phone and the change
ok I’ll share -
i had my stereo stolen just a few months ago…
I was being sent into DC to do an install, and I loathe driving in
DC. If you’ve ever been there, you’d know why…
So, I decided to take the Metrorail (subway) in. I parked and rode
the train from the last station on the line, and the safest
neighborhood possible - or at least I thought so.
After a long, b-i-t-c-h of a day, about 35 degrees and raining
now, I got back to my car and nothing worked. My keyless entry
was not responding and the alarm didn’t go off when I used the
key to get in. Usually it would.
When I sat in the car, I realized the gaping hole in my dash. I also
noticed that nothing was working, power or ignition. I popped
the hood and saw that they had disconnected my battery to
disable the alarm. So this means in less than 10 seconds, they
were able to slim-jim in and disable my battery.
Totally clean rip. No marks and no damage. They were pros IMO.
I lost approx $3000 worth of stuff, incuding a 200 cd book full of
When I approached the security office about it, there was a girl in
there talking to them already, because her stereo had also been
stolen at the same time mine was. The security guards were free
to deliver the information that we were #'s 6 and 7 today for that.
And that if we had anything to report, to give it to the police. :sigh:
ouch unflux that really sucks. did you get anything from insurance?