I hate when people get me mad!

here is my problem, i was asked to go to the movies today with my friend and her boy friend and one of my friends. i said i might go, but i wasnt sure. Now my friend cant go and i dont want to go now because i dont want to be watching the movie while they are talking to each other and not even thinking that im there. I have had this happen soo many times, and i am about to break something. they always get mad at me and turn people against me. This sucks. why does this happen to me:bad: :-\

ye that sucks!
Always think of a alternative plan! “If I can’t go I’ll stay home and make a new effect in Flash - water ripple” for example! :stuck_out_tongue:

if only i could…

Alex - just say NO to dipsh*t (friends?) -
…tell them you have to wash your computer :slight_smile:

You have the powah :beam:

comedy “get a girlfriend” option


Be strong, don’t value your time on thier participation. It isn’t a statement on you, it just happens. I have been exactly where you are, and it isn’t fun, but you can make it enjoyable. Also, if it happens with the same couple often, talk to them about it without placing blame. Often that will make them aware of the situation without making them defensive.

Most important is to not project that feeling of being left out on yourself. They aren’t ignoring you intentionally… Take this opportunity to “introduce” yourself to other girls in groups. You have a unique opportunity, in that other women will assume you are harmless, since this couple thinks you are cool enough to hang around, even tho you don’t have a girlfriend. Next thing you know, you have met a ton of girls, and may even hook up…



Doctor Loooooooooooooooooooooooove is in the hizouse!


it took me 35 years to learn that…
