Hey, I’ve been down about this for quite a bit and want to seek some help from all of you. Here’s my problem.
I have this friend who is really close to me. He’s just an online friend, but I feel like I’ve known him for ever. I trust him with everything, he has admin properties on my forum and even my site. I’d do anything for him. But now he’s suddenly mad at me. I’m not 100% sure why, but I may have a clue. I think I was being quite inconsiderate at times and may have taken things over the line a bit. I’m a really open guy and share everything with everyone. So, but, I thought we always kept it as plain fun and jokes. But I think he took some of it the wrong way. I never meant to offend him in any way and I’m really quite confused on what I should do. I tried many many many times to contact through various methods appoligizing and such through e-mail, msn, aim. But seems like everything I do, he blocks and never responds or even reads I doubt. It’s not like I did one thing really bad and he just stopped talking to me. It’s just like as if I did something really bad which I don’t think I did.
Some of you may already know who I’m talking about or heard about it from me. I think he should remain annoymous for now, but I really need help on this. It’s been on my mind for weeks now and I’mr eally upset about it.
I dunno what more you can do, bud. If you reach your hand out, and they don’t take it back, I think that’s their problem.
You say you’ve tried multiple times to right the wrongs, what else is left? I’ve had some problems like you have - people I’ve known from years of school who all a sudden turned their back for whatever reason … Sure I was upset about it all, but then I woke up.
To hell with them if they’re going to be that stubbron about it all. Takes 2 to tango, my friend. If you’ve humbled yourself, shown you’re willing to make a change in things, and they still turn away - I say give it up.
But I know him too long, I don’t think he’s stubborn to the stage like this. At least, I hope not. Although I’ve given lots of thoughts in just ‘o screw it’, it’s hard to forget because it’s like, he’s probably the one and single online guy that I’ve known forever and knows more about me than myself.
yeah, badmagick said it pretty well
if hes REALLY REALLY mad at you though, you might want to make him not admin of your site anymore, could be bad news if he decides to screw with it…
I still have full trust in him that he won’t wipe my server and such since he knows too much about it already (pw included and everything).
The one thing I’m still confused about is still my mistake. What did I exactly did or didn’t do that pissed him off. I don’t see how I can find out if he has blocked all chances of contact.