I need initial opinions

please tell me what you think of this design for my website redesign.

please copy and paste into browser, i don’t know why the **** it won’t work.

Honestly, and im going to speak with candor and i dont mean any disrespect…

but your background is a bit too busy, it messes with the text…

and your navagation jumps when you click on the “about me” I think the navagation needs to stay in the same place thru out the design…

But your background is very busy… i think you need like just a solid white in the middle, fading to the borders and having the text over the white, or maybe fade the background a bit… i dunno just messes with my eyes…
it’ll be easier to see and still look good =)

Other than that, looking good =)

on which page? on both of them?

yeah i was thinking about the navigation, i think i’ll put it somewhere in the same place.

i’m having huge problems with the background and what to do. i think i’ll try and fade it and see what happens. its either too busy or not busy enough. haha, real problems here.

thanks anyways.

I think if you try like a 40% alpha…so its like there and cool, but not like LOOK AT ME!! that’ll distract from your content.
And remember, design is important, but where you place it and how you direct the eyes to places you want your users to see etc… thats more important =)

But it goes look good, i like the background, i couldnt create something that pimp =) hehe its awesome =)

why didn’t you post this in Site Check?

link was broken for me, clicking or pasting.

it didnt work because the .com/pinxdesign/ was in there

i like it, but research on your loadmovie…to make everything load into one window instead of pop-ups