I vote for an extension of the Header Contest. Please

^of course but I don’t think any of us really tried (I just viewed all the entries start to finish).

While this threads open a simple question:

I’m correct in thinking that no account made after the close day of the contest can vote right? I mean just to be fair.

[quote=Templarian;2343908]These entries are hilarious though. I don’t think anyone took it serious which makes it even more fun.

I <3 your Canadian one Glos.[/quote]

That’s exactly it, people had a lot of fun with it, and that’s cool and all, but no one really took the purpose of the design into account and did a good job on it.

I know what you said, and I wasn’t looking for personal sympathy…in fact, my post was just playing devil’s advocate in some respects. But, unfortunately, the sentiments I expressed in that post will be felt by a lot of people (regulars or not) who took part.
Okay, it may well be that some of the entries are not of a standard that some judges are looking for, but that’s surely their role as a judge - to weed out some of the chaff, rather than denigrate all of the entries?

Personally, I’m not too concerned as I only had a go at the competition as a way of practicing with Photoshop - I certainly didn’t enter because there was a prize on offer. But other’s would’ve done and I say fair play to them, if the opportunity’s there. And, to be fairer still, the competition rules were rather vague…I don’t recall any reference to submitted entries having to reach a required standard of professionalism. Does it matter if it’s their first post? The people who registered in order to enter may well stick around for years and become a valuable contributor to this forum…I have a feeling that’s how I got here (although it’s debatable how valuable I am).

I’m with Zao on this one…I think the whole issue could’ve been handled a lot better privately.

Nah, I wouldn’t even place myself that high!! In fact, I’d be horrified if one of my entries did become a permanent fixture as I like the look of things as they are.

I thought that was the whole point of the competition - to design some headers that could be converted into custom styles/themes.

[quote=Anogar;2343910]Bah, it’s a public contest, judging should be equally public. This isn’t like the footer or avatar contests, where it’s just a single member. We’re going to have to see this thing every day, I think we should be able to have uncensored public discourse about our opinions - we are all the ‘clients’ for this redesign.

A couple hurt feelings aside, I think a lot of people agree with me, the entries just aren’t good as a whole, and we as a community can do better.[/quote]

Whereas I totally see where you’re coming from, what you’re talking about is not really a contest :wink:

The contest rules were laid out. The people that wanted to participate did. If you go back now and say “Hey I don’t like any of these, let’s change the rules”… well I’m sure you see where I’m going with this.

Quite frankly, you’ve been staring at the current header for ages and a lot of the entries are miles better then that one so I don’t see the fuss.

Ha! I didn’t even enter that one

[quote=Anogar;2343910]Bah, it’s a public contest, judging should be equally public.

A couple hurt feelings aside, I think a lot of people agree with me, the entries just aren’t good as a whole, and we as a community can do better.[/quote]

Judging should be done in public but denigrating every single entry as crappy and sub-par shouldn’t. And perhaps the community could do better…but I didn’t see them rushing to provide entries.

This is like arguing that the NFL season should be extended just because, in your personal opinion, the two teams that were due to make the Superbowl were crap, or the conference finals were below par. It ain’t ever gonna happen.

Since when did people get so sensitive? I’m just some random guy on the internet, and I think the designs are mediocre, is that such an ego-crushing experience?

Perhaps I misunderstood, I thought that the winning header would be displayed on the top of the site, and since I’ll have to look at it, I’d like it to be decent. I don’t think the current ones are up to snuff, and I think that if we extended the contest and reached out to some of our more talented members, we’d get better entries.

That’s all I’m sayin’.

I guess I see this less as a ‘sport’ or a ‘game’ (re: the NFL analogy) and more of a committee run redesign, with judging by any interested member of the Kirupa-forums who wants to give their input. My input is that they’re just not that good, and that we should keep looking.

Current contestants would have the chance to improve their entries, and they’d still have a head start in designing.

I don’t think peoples egos were touched at all tbh. I think the people that did react, including me, reacted because the idea kinda goes against the purpose of the contest: Giving people a chance to get their 15 minutes of fame and 200 bucks.

It was never about finding the most awesome of headers. Look at what you’ve been staring at 'til now. Haven’t heard a lot of complaints from the community :wink:

[quote=sekasi;2343924]I don’t think peoples egos were touched at all tbh. I think the people that did react, including me, reacted because the idea kinda goes against the purpose of the contest: Giving people a chance to get their 15 minutes of fame and 200 bucks.

It was never about finding the most awesome of headers. Look at what you’ve been staring at 'til now. Haven’t heard a lot of complaints from the community ;)[/quote]

I must have misunderstood the purpose of the contest. If our goal was to get some random themed header that misrepresents the forum and is totally unrelated, then the entries are fine. :expressionless:

The current header may not be a masterpiece of design, but it’s neutral, functional, and it totally works.

Who’s sensitive? I made it pretty clear that I, personally, don’t care a jot. It was just a way to idle away some free time. But some competitors, who perhaps spent days on their designs, might feel put-out by your throw-away comments as to the standard of their entries.

The fact is that the competition was simply to design an alternative header.

“here is the revised contest – design your own header”
“if your header is voted on as being the best by your peers, you get to win cool prizes”
“The rules are pretty straightforward. Design and submit a header design”
“This should be a quick and fun little contest”
“I was able to create my example entry in about 5 minutes”

Show me where it says that the existing header would be replaced.

Going over the blog post, I don’t see that, but I thought I read that at some point, and I’ve heard the same from other people. If I’m mistaken then I think the entries are totally fine, I really do. I really like a lot of the themed ones, yours included.

Purpose is key here though, as a main header, they’re not good - as some random little themed thing there are some great choices.

As far as people feeling put out, I guess I just can’t say that I particularly care. If they can’t handle a single person telling them that a single header they created is mediocre or sub par, they need to re-evaluate their priorities.


*(And I was not that mean, I mean really…)

This is an interesting topic, but ultimately, I guess you being a judge has a say in what will get picked, if you don’t think something is “up to par” then don’t pick it.

Word up to Nickelback


Meh, I just think we could do better. Some of the entries are okay, but none of them are fantastic, which just disappoints me since we have such great designers on here. I like some of the themed ones - TheCanadians, GlosRFC, and I like Krilnon’s entry with a little work done to the text, but I just think there should be another round or something.


*And I know you agree with me FTL, you’re just being nice. :fight::lol:

It’s pretty subjective I guess. I didn’t like any of the ones you mentioned (again, no offense), but I did like some others.

As for all the uber designers you are talking about, they didn’t enter and probably wouldn’t enter a second round either. So then it would be resorting to asking one of them to make a header and nullify the contest :stuck_out_tongue: I like some of the submissions for sure. And I like the majority of them better than the current header. Easily.


Well, in a sense that I don’t want to give out $250 to just *anyone

*edit - ■■■■ thou, sekasi – being all nimbly bimbly-like

Curse you, FTL! :fight::love::lol:

Okay…here’s my take.

It was just a fun competition. The topic could’ve been on anything at all but Kirupa decided it would be based around designing a header. It could’ve been worse…he might’ve suggested resurrecting the fisheroo contest.

Because it was supposed to be fun, perhaps the great designers felt it was beneath them to participate in a quick five-minute fun contest…who knows?

As a judge of this fun competition, I should’ve thought that all you have to do is to select the top five (or however many) entries from this paucity of crappy submissions…no more, or less than that. And, if you feel that you’re unable to select any, then surely it would’ve been best to explain why privately to the competition organiser and withdraw from the judging panel?

Because it was supposed to be fun, perhaps the great designers felt it was beneath them to participate in a quick five-minute fun contest…who knows?

dude… $250… I mean, common!

To be fair I’m not just anyone. Just saying. :fab:

But that’s the whole point. They may well sneer at $250 when they’re busy earning mega-bucks with their design skills :wink:

Sneer I was not!

thats like… 10 cases of beer!

hahahahha… temp