I vote for an extension of the Header Contest. Please

There were only 1 or 2 headers that I felt were close to being worth $250. Just saying that, the rest looked like some high school script-kiddie’s 15-minute Photoshop party.

pfff… 15min. 5min… and in Fireworks. :lol:

I’d like to see it extended later on for more submissions. I would have loved to crank out a few fun illustrated ones, but I’ve been ultra busy and decided the least I could do is judge.

It’s awesome that people are participating though! Keeps the forums kickin’

If I knock out a few after the contest sometime, would they be considered? :slight_smile:

I’ll I’d ever want in return is an e-hi five!

Yeah it takes me 2 days to earn 250 bucks. I figured that if I could do it in 5 minutes with Flash I might be getting ahead in life.

The point of this contest is not to create a permanent header. Instead, users will have the ability to pick between various styles instead. See the end of this post for an example: http://blog.kirupa.com/?p=193 The default style users will see is the blue one currently displayed.

I actually found a lot of great designs that could potentially be part of some great styles. The contest will absolutely not be extended, and I agree with many of the posters who find this thread to be a bit on the mean side of the street!

dark - you can submit an entry whenever you want to have it be considered for a style…just like the good ol’ days :slight_smile:



dark - you can submit an entry whenever you want to have it be considered for a style…just like the good ol’ days :slight_smile:


Sweet dude, time to polish ye old vector tools!

Same as dark, I want to participate a little, but not at this time of the month (and year)… Later when the sun will scorch in july/august…

We’ll see.

Hmmm, I didn’t even know there was money involved! I just kept on seeing these header threads popping up in the new posts search and I thought it was all just for fun.

Maybe I wasn’t taking it seriously enough so I apologise!

I don’t see the reason why people see this issue being mean. I mean, of course it is mean, but the results to a contest are always that way.

Okay, I agree, there are people who can do everything with a smiling face even when they have a lotta hot air inside, but these are not the ideal premises.

On a more logical note, seeing as EVERYONE who volunteered got to be a judge, PMing back and forth would be a pain in the rear for an issue such as this. What is true is true. Plus, I personally believe that if the number of contest entries is not too much to handle, there should be enough input supplied about the scores/results/opinions/etc. even if just a coupla words to a sentence.

It actually does seem that things weren’t taken seriously. But it’s cool. Some actually get the job done decently enough if you see them from the “as required” point of view. So yea, it’s all good.

Let’s get the ball rolling. I’ll sit on these after dinner and hopefully come up with the favs tonight itself.

And before I shut the hell up, a big thank you to everyone who contributed. Hey, likings are subjective. But we do appreciate everyone’s efforts, honestly. :slight_smile:

Sweet, thanks for the clarification, K-Man. I totally misunderstood. :thumb:

I love a bunch of the themed ones, I just didn’t see any good ‘permanent’ style headers, that was my objection.

[quote=Anogar;2344417]Sweet, thanks for the clarification, K-Man. I totally misunderstood. :thumb:

I love a bunch of the themed ones, I just didn’t see any good ‘permanent’ style headers, that was my objection.[/quote]

Don’t worry! I’ve got your back hahah :D…

Anyway, I’m also relieved about the clarification.