In DESPERATE need of a programmer!

Hello All,

I am in DESPERATE need of a programmer! I was screwed over by the last programmer i was working with. He decided to go on ‘vacation’ and never returned to finish the website nor will he return my emails… This project is now 2 months over due & the client is furious!! I’ve attempted to hire two other people to finish the project, but one disappeared & the other just seems like the wrong fit… I will be looking for someone to work with full time on future projects. Mainly I really need someone who can do CMS & PHP. If you can design, thats a +.

But first things first, I need someone to work with on the current project at hand. The deadline was 2 months ago, and there really isn’t that much work to be done. The website is complete, it just needs some finishing touches.

Please email me ASAP for the project details if you are interested.