Ironic Netscape

Hrmmm… With Netscape 7 I started liking Netscape, but now there is this thing that is bugging me.

Alright… I want to download a theme from their site, but I am having a problem.

In Netscape, when I click on the link to enter the Theme section, it brings me to this link…

But in IE it when I click on the link it brings me to…

Now as you can tell, IEs link has much more interesting themes. But I can’t get them in NS!?!?!

I tried copying and pasting the link over to Netscape, but it still brings me to the same page as the link I posted for Netscape.

I find it incredibly funny that this doesn’t work in Netscape, especially since you can’t download the themes from inside IE, you get an incompatibility error.


Anyone know whats up?

uhmmm yeah. Netscape sucks.

LOL… well this thread wasn’t created to be a which browser is better argument, I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this problem and if they do, if they know whats up.

NS7 is much better than any previous one I must admit. I am still an IE fan though.

yeah, i wasn’t starting an argument, just stating that that is probably the cause of your problem. Yea that is kind of weird… I dunno tho. I don’t use Netscape… only to test new sites that I’m making…

Yeah I know you were trying to start an argument Jubba, I was stating that for others who read the thread and thought they would state what they think of the browser.

I can’t help but laugh that it doesn’t work in their own browser though :slight_smile:

It’s totally cool if you PM me Lost! C:-) PM me anytime your heart desires!

My guess is the error has nothing to do with Netcape the browser but the Netscape website development team (their browser sniffer must not be working properly). It’s an honest mistake! It’s like when Windows says “Keyboard not detected. Press F4 to continue.”

What I do notice is the ones on the IE theme page are common Moz themes. I’ve never seen the ones one the Netscape theme page. Maybe those ones (the ones on the Netscape page) don’t work on Moz and the Moz ones don’t work on Netscape?

I hope that makes sense…

I use Orbit C:-)

Hehe, thanks Ren.

I might Just get Mozilla… even though its the same exact thing as Netscape… I think I could do without all the AOL and AIM support ads everywhere.

Oh well :-\ Too bad they don’t have any GOOD themes for NS7 :frowning:

Moz all the way! I think Moz has a cult following that creates all the themes. Look at the theme creators; the ones from the Netscape site are all made by Netscape. The Moz themes are all made by other folks.

Cool, I think I will look into that :slight_smile:

man… as a client I thought netscape sucks… but now, as a developer, I KNOW netscape sucks…
sorry, I’m currently doing some SS javascript at work, and netscape’s annoying…

Yes… I know exactly what you mean about coding… man do I have problems coding in Netscape.

But I have come to learn that to become a good coder, you must be able to code cross browser :slight_smile:

If every browser worked the same… what would be the point in different browsers :wink:

<~~ As stated before… I am still an IE fan, but with NS7, it supports more than earlier versions AND is faster and better than previous versions all around.

I should have mentioned… I’m coding backend stuff for a Netscape enterprise server… it just sucks to have to compile server side script…


just remember… Netscape invented JavaScript… IE abused it…

but yes, coding JS is a pain because of the multiple browsers…


Yes… NS did invent Javascript… “A-Men” to them :slight_smile:

IMO IE made it easier to code JS which I like, but I also like the challenge of coding in NS :slight_smile:

And woot!

I got the theme I wanted at It is called Orbit 3+1, I like it a lot.

That’s what I use Lost!

I don’t have any difficulties at all designing for Netscape. I just begin by testing the site with Moz and things usually fall right into place as soon as I test with IE. Plus I’m really anal about tags, proper nesting, etc. IE is forgiving of such (pardon my rudeness) lazy, sloppy coding, but Netscape is not. :stuck_out_tongue:

I just begin by testing the site with Moz and things usually fall right into place as soon as I test with IE. Plus I’m really anal about tags, proper nesting, etc. IE is forgiving of such (pardon my rudeness) lazy, sloppy coding, but Netscape is not.

I agree 110% Rengirl…

well said.


I agree too.

AND OMG!! YOU USE THE SAME ONE!?!?! Hahaha, that is so funny.

We have the same taste Ren :slight_smile: It is an excellent theme, I love it.

When will IE let us skin and have tabbed browsing!? (you know they will copy off NS sometime in the future with these…lol)

sounds like I need to visit the whole moz thang…


You will probably like the tabbed browing and skins. I love them.

You can view multiple websites all from within one area instead of opening a new window and having it take up your taskbar space.

And skins are cool too, the original skin NS comes with isn’t that bad, but this Orbit 3+1 skin ROCKS!!!

and the popup blocker actually works!