Is my portfolio any good?

Hi all!
Im a new on this forum and i have “almost” finished site at

Are they any good?
Please be kind :slight_smile:
Please dont laugh at all the typos etc:)


A couple of things:

-The rotated image in the splash screen is a no-no… Don’t make users tilt their heads. I know I did and it give me headaches
-For your stats, instead of having that little ugly icon; you could use it’s probably one of the best site around and adds no image/popup/advert to your site…
-The beta 0.9 icon looks a tad aliased/jaggy, might want to correct that.

As for the actual site; I absolutely love it; the backgrounds are quite excellent and sleek, well integrated. Loader bar is excellent too.
You could maybe change font in the section about you and add thumbnails to the portofolio (I guess you were going to), but other than that I really dig your site…

Just a detail which caught my attention (well my mouse rather) it might seem stupid but the ‘submit’ text in your ‘contact’ section is selectable, might want to change that

Oh and what’s the section about ‘music’ for ?

yeah I love it too and I agree with what mlk said however at the top of the pages (such as profile and music) you have this red bar with an arrow at the end and an orange box in the centre…I mistook it for a horizontal scrollbar and I’m sure others might too.

but I like your site and I think if you fix some of the problems you have it could be a contender for Site Of The Week

Ok, thanks people!
I know there is still much work to do… should be 0.7 :slight_smile:

Very good ideas indeed, ill start making some changes very soon.

What kind of experience do you get? smooth or not?
I noticed that the mousetrailers at the sides takes very much cpu power.
should i lighten things?

smooth for me, absolutely no problem =)

Very nice! I like it a lot. I wouldn’t worry about the tilted image. I believe that the design is interesting enough that you can get away with it.

Keep up the Good Work!

I really liked your site. Only thing for me is: it would be nice if there were thumbnail or text descriptions for your portfolio icons. Otherwise I feel like I’m sort of surfing blind through the thumbs…

Nice, I like it. The imagery is very well done, sharp and full of vivid color.
Couple of suggestions:
On the work section, I think it would be more interesting if the boxes containing the imagery and info about your projects were something other than square, or maybe had some kind of style to them that goes with the site. I don’t know, the semi-transparent white boxes just don’t seem to fit to me.
Also on this section, I found the strobe effect on the main project picture a bit annoying. Maybe dim it down a bit.

The volume slider for the music needs some help. The slider changes its _y value when pressed so that it’s not aligned in the center of the slider-bar. Also the coordinates for the _x start and end values are not very accurate. I’m guessing that you plugged the numbers in instead of using the size of the bar and the _y location of the slider itself to make the positions relative to the objects on stage. If that’s the case, I would recommend using the relative method.

Other than that, I really like the way it looks. Job well done! :thumb:

Only crit from me is the blurry text, and the red bok on the splash is rather jaggy… :slight_smile:

I love the tilted image on the splash… it’s new (for me at least)… I like it.

Not very smooth at all for me. Everything goes slowly and jerkily. Although the site is beautiful and the animations/transitions are superb. Great use of colour and texture. I also love the tentacle-/ribbon-like things.

I think its pretty cool but the only thing that confused me was the little orange/red arrows on some of the header bars, I too thought they were for some type of horizontal scrolling, otherwise it was fabulous.

i like the site to but i think there is a slight dab of pixelranger in there. good site htough

get going…its good…

i agree a 100% with ‘mlk’ and 'RabBell"!

what mlkedave said was the first thing i thought when i saw it, but it is good. i agree with the portfolio box thing and also, the menu boxes, say 01, 02, 04, 03, might want to re-order those or change the numbers on them.

the images throughout are really nice…good job. but i agree, it’s got idental pixelranger stuff on some portions. also, i would suggest using flash fonts or make the text more crisp. overall though, good work.