Its hotter than hell here

But you might get a few funny looks. :slight_smile:

Impressed looks yes. Funny looks are also a garuntie. lol

BTW Kit what time is it there? You English alwasy seem ti be the only ppl on at night while i work.

Here itā€™s almost 10.30 am. Iā€™ve been at work for an hourā€¦ :sure:

Well good moring to all you folks who are jsut waking up. It is 3:26 am here. Iā€™m just finishing up my work day lol.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll ever fully get to grips with the whole time difference thing. Itā€™s just too weird. :slight_smile: Mostly the American board members are on here while Iā€™m asleep, and I miss out on all the interesting stuff! :slight_smile:

I dontā€™ sleep much so i dontā€™ miss much. Maybe give that a try. I have troubles sleeping cause all i think about is the time it wastes when i could be doing something.

I donā€™t sleep much either. generally canā€™t get to sleep before about 2am. :sure: But if I spend all that time online then my phone bill will skyrocket. :stuck_out_tongue:

I live in Arizona, do I have to go into more detail. . . .


Yes, for us poor English who donā€™t know what that means. :slight_smile:

Ever bin to Delhi?
we have one of the weirdest climate in delhi, everything goes to itā€™s extreeme, during summers it gets to 50-55 degreeā€™s and in winters it can go low to 2 degrees and killer fog, every year atleast 90-100 ppl die coz of heat or coldā€¦ rainy season is quite extraordinary at times too, more than that traffic makes everything worst in every weather.Thereā€™s a local sayin" if a person can survive in delhi for a whole year, he can survive anywhere and yea drive anywhere too:P"

MAN you to I freaking 30 oC here in The Netherelands. or 303 farenheit

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Yes, for us poor English who donā€™t know what that means. :slight_smile: **
Arizona, in spring the temperature is over 100 degrees Farenhiet (F), right about now it is 110. We rarely get summer rain and it is very dry. **** I feel sorry for the border jumpers. . . .

jackrabbits donā€™t even go thereā€¦

their trees have spikesā€¦

pretty women thoā€¦

