well…Im from Southern California…Oxnard/Port Hueneme to be exact. I really am glad and fortunate to find this GREAT forum which helped me and I’m sure others as well on Flash and just about anything computer/web related…
Keep up the good work.
Oh, and congratulations to VTS for the Site of The week award…KOOL MAN!!
Flash does rock. It’s been of the best programs that I have ever used in my life. It is versatile for all users, and I’m glad Windows XP will include Flash. As for Java, I think Shockwave/Flash will become more dominant a programming language than java. I’m glad that Windows XP won’t come with Java VM installed; if I see one more Anfy Java applet, I’m going to scream.
Well Since I am new to the site I will say that I am of the age of 30 and reside in Coeur d’Alene Idaho, and am sometimes called the Injun. I started flash 2 weeks ago and enjoy but my true occupation is a Landscape Achitect who love technolgy.
I am 16, male, live in Spokane, Washington, was hoping to get a scholarship to college through wrestling. I prefer windows based over MAC and I am gonna buy an
Athlon XP 1500 motherboard and processor for $170 from www.pricewatch.com to fix my computer…
Anybody have any other opinions on processors and motherboards so I can get the most for my money then please tell… oh yah I also work at a Skippers restraunt and it dosent smell like fish it smells like shrimp ( in my opinion worse )
Hey crazylife,
I’m an Intel fan, so I won’t be able to help you there in choosing the right cpu/mobo combo. I do know of a great place in which I often hangout.
The site is Madonion.com and they make the popular 3DMark2001 benchmark products. Their site is filled with some very knowledgeable techies ever. The URL is: gamershq.madonion.com and you can click the discuss link to post your question. That site is very addictive so be forewarned haha
I found this site sometime in the summer when I thought I was smart enough to understand Flash. I was wrong, but I still come back to this board to check on what you are all up to being the entertaining group that you are. I just fiddle around with HTML now.
I am too lazy to log into my other name - jenisdumb… so, there you have it:
23, Honolulu, Hawai’i. Lived in So. Cal. graduated from UCSB in Anthropology - now back in school… ICK, worst idea I ever had to get a Masters. I bow down to you all in your infinite wisdom.
Hey, gingerhippy, I live in the ghetto, too, but I don’t get my stuffs stolen out of my apartment! Hope you got your G4s by now.
Hey Uber!
Haha, I get that quite a lot. I only started flashing about 3 years ago with Flash 3 and primarily Flash 4. I still have yet to scratch the surface of Flash’s potential; I’m learning ActionScript only now lol. Better late than never I guess.
Hey Rabskers, one is never too young to learn how to use Flash