I saw a report that the number of CD sales decreased from 315 million to 275 million
Now, I’ll admit that is a rather large decrease… but the music on the market today is crap! Thats why they keep going down from year to year! If they were putting out good music, I’m sure that people would be more than willing to buy a CD but bands today are putting 3 good songs on a CD and then making 12 crappy songs…
I dunno… I’m looking forward to buying the Audioslave CD tho…
Yep, agreed Jubba. Most bands have been making single CD’s. They make a cd that has 1 or 2 good songs. Then they just put horrible garbage to fill it up and get the extra $10 for it being a full cd and not just a single.
But since it seems the bubblegum pop is dying, more of the bands are going the rock route, and they’re putting out cd’s that are full of good songs. My philosophy is that if more than half the songs on a cd are good, then i’ll buy it.
And your footer has confused me. Does the color go by time? Or how come all of your footers on the same page are the same color, but each time you load the page, it’s a different color.
the footer is a PHP script that generates a random image from an array of images I created in photoshop. The next step is to have the PHP code, completely create the images.
I heard about this all over tonight’s news. It’s a shame, the RIAA is really cracking down this time. Still it won’t stop me from downloading occasionaly MP3s, even though I buy the CD thereafter if i like the band. But what it does change is my feelings of hatred toward them. I don’t hate them anymore…I hate them infinitely more. What they don’t realize is that their claims are wrong. They’re saying that MP3s are diminishing CD sales, which is absolute bull. Just now, I bought a CD of an artist whose MP3s i have on my computer. Am I to feel guilty anymore? I paid my $15, RIAA get off my as**s. they can’t say I can’t have my MP3s because of copyright infringement. I’ll shove each an every one of my CDs right up theirs. The real reason why CD sales are going down is because of their prices to begin with. Why pay your $12-$22 for a CD with a single you keep hearing on the radio? What if the rest of the material is nothing like that single? You’re out of the money since you only bought that CD for that single. I’m not presuming all CDs are like this, but what if you only like one or two songs out of, say 15? Woe to the artists, I am not demeaning their talent, but would you feel less discouraged if the CD only cost $5? At least in that case you can’t feel that you’re out $10 on songs. It costs pennies to reproduce each CD, case, cover, and inlet, yet they can inflate the price > 1000%??? The RIAA is not protecting the artists, they’re protecting the business. Why do you think they back the sales of CDs? It’s all about the money. Some artists don’t care if people download their MP3s (Limp Bizkit, Offspring to name a few) and I respect that, but I also respect those who do care; I have given them my money time and time again.
Lower the prices of CDs, to at least $10 for major label companies, and i’ll uninstall my Kazaa.
I’ve found new music on Kazaa that I bought CDs for. File sharing is a great way for finding new bands, and is definitely better than listening to the same old played out crap off the radio.
And around here they like to play out songs by bands like Creed, and Pearl Jam. Now I know a lot of people like them, but I don’t! There are no stations around here that play music I like, just stations that occasionally play music I like.
good idea #1:
i am going to make 1,200 copies of one of the songs that i have written, recorded and copyrighted to myself. then i am going to name it 1200 different names of the most popular songs on the net. then i will just leave kazaa running all the time, sit back, and wait. let those f*ckers try. they will never take away file sharing.
If you are a true artist what do you want more than anything? IMO it is to be known and listened to, right? But what everyone is ranting about is the fact that they are losing money so in other words it is no longer about expressing yourself through your music but more about expanding your bank account through your music. I personally think it is sick that these people earn so much just for singing and acting - come on people… the big actors get paid 20 mil for 6 months work and most of them can’t act. Singers make huge sales and they can’t even sing (they should be bowing and praying to computers every morning and evening cause that’s the reason they make money). I mean think about how many concerts these pop artists have (live I mean) and when they do have them you can barely hear their voice over the music … ridiculous. And they make a ton of money for what … having the right face and body and the right time cause it sure ain;t the voice or the music cause they don’t write it anyway. So someone please tell me why I should pay $17 - 20 a CD (prices in Romania) when the average here wage si $100 per month and it only costs them maybe 5 cents a CD? Talk about a ripoff. I have bought plenty of CD’s in the past but when I end up with one song I like and 12 that suck then what the hell is the point? And anyway - the more they try to forbid it the more it will happen (child psychology - tell him he can’t do something and he will try to find a way to do it). Allow it and it will probably decrease… just my opinion anyway.
I honestly don’t download that much music - it’s my 15 and 16 year old sisters who do . If I download one song a month then that;s a lot but I just do not appreciate this control they are trying to impose.
redGolgi for the love of god don’t do that. Sometimes all i want is to hear a song or 2 from a CD to see if it is worth buying and it really gets to me when i have to downlaod 300 versions of a song before i find the right one. For that main reason i kind of gave up file sharing. I haven’t burnt a mix disc in close to a year and i maybe download 4 songs a month or less.
Let them waste time prosicuting individuals it will cost them more then they will ever lose in CD sales.
What did we do before p2p arrived ? We actually copied the CDs from friends who had them. If p2p apps ever stop one day people will always find a way to get free music.