mlk has a great point. We had a guy in high school who used to make mix tapes off the radio and sell them.
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**redGolgi for the love of god don’t do that. Sometimes all i want is to hear a song or 2 from a CD to see if it is worth buying and it really gets to me when i have to downlaod 300 versions of a song before i find the right one. For that main reason i kind of gave up file sharing. I haven’t burnt a mix disc in close to a year and i maybe download 4 songs a month or less.
Let them waste time prosicuting individuals it will cost them more then they will ever lose in CD sales. **
my songs are good
heheh. dont worry, ill put a disclaimer on all of them, in the description ill put SPAM, and then youll know they are fakes!
That would be good. I always check the little info box now before i download.
This is really getting to me. I buy a CD listen to it maybe one time all the way through (unless its a really good band that i like) and its one or two songs from that point on. These guys wont win no matter what, maybe a battle or two but face it in the end free music will win the war. Look at Morpheus. They beat the RIAA in court. The thing that makes me mad is that its working. KaZaA reported a 1 million user drop. Its like come on! But its good that some bands do support file sharing. Those are the bands that I think are in it more than just to get rich, maybe they acctually care about the music? Or am i just being nieve? This just pisses me off, my library isnt going anywhere.
I, for one, will not stop file sharing. I find a song that I like, I download it then if I really like it I go and buy the CD. File sharing is a god-send for new bands to get known. Down with the RIAA!
Oh, by the way, what do you think of the song “Free” by Powerman5000. I just heard it on the radio today, that song is cool.
Just a thought, but wouldn’t XM Satellite Radio be some form of piracy? They own the music, but you pay them to listen to it. Wouldn’t that be the same as someone buying the CD then selling burnt copies of it?
Well to listen to FM/AM radio you don’t even have to pay them. But artists don’t care about people hearing their song on the radio, it’s just a way for them to get their name out.
But they get mad when you have the ability to listen to it whenever you want (cd) without paying them. But who cares, as long as some 16 year old girl singing a song is making 300x more money than a teacher or police officer, I don’t care if people stop buying their cd’s.
*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
**But who cares, as long as some 16 year old girl singing a song is making 300x more money than a teacher or police officer, I don’t care if people stop buying their cd’s. **
Amen to that Nali!!!
- Soul :s:
Radio Stations, and I would assume XM stations pay every time they play a song on the radio. Granted its like $.25 or something small, but point being is that they do generate profits for the RIAA. They make up for this with all the ads they air. Although the radio station I worked at in collage didn’t have to pay, but it was non for profit, so there may be an exception.
that guy from Utah is a major jackass if he thinks he has the right to hack in and destroy someones computer. what if he’d spent long hours working hard making a website for a client, and he was pretty much done, then some a-hole hacks in and destroys his computer. he has no right to touch anything on my computer. okay im done. sooner or later another file-sharing program will come out, like when napster went down, someone created a program that went around the law. after Kazaa and Morpheus go away, someone will create another, so its like they are fighting a war they cant win.
some people would argue “what right do you have to download music illegally?” the key word being ‘illegally’ aka ‘no rights whatsoever’.
i understand that, but he doesnt have the right to invade my computer, cause that would be like invasion of privacy. so we’re both in a pickle.
chances are… they wouldn’t bother looking at anything, just destroy it
but that’s what they want to do: scare people into not having an illegally downloaded music files. if it’s extreme enough to get people worried, they’ll stop doing it. (assuming the the legislation actually goes through) someone will get caught, and the rumours/stories will spread like wildfire.
Damaging or destroying someones computer for D/L’ing copyrighted music, would be a violation of “Due Process.” A right secured (in the US at least) by the Constitution. That will never happen. If this bill gets close to passing, someone will get an injunction and then take the case to the Supreme Court. One thing is for sure, it is going to get real ugly real fast… =0)
I hope they don’t do anything. I love kazaa.
Here another interesting read involving the file-sharing problem:,1412,59654,00.html
all i use kazaa now is for downloading celebrity death match :).
but from the past years, i woudl own like 3 billion dollars. thats 90 gigs worth of music seriously
OH YEA, guys theres something better than kazaa. goto and download emule. all the files are guarenteed to work and u get them from share reactor. when u click the file, it sens them to emule. great stuff.
ouch, jail and a fine for a single file. I really hope this bill doesn’t pass through.
Some times i’m glad i live in Canada. We got to many other problems for file sharing to be a concern of the government.
Or maybe they have been and I havne’t noticed. I dont’ watch or read the news any more so who maybe they have been cracking down.