I just noticed: I can’t enter kirupa.com anymore ! Is it just me or is the site down ?
I just noticed: I can’t enter kirupa.com anymore ! Is it just me or is the site down ?
yes I cannot acces it also
it dos not work
Kirupa what is happening ?
Kirupa.com have been hacked :*(
Nah, i’m sure it hasn’t been hacked. The server is probably down. I’m sure mediatemple are doing everything they can to get kirupa.com back up.
*Originally posted by njs12345 *
**Nah, i’m sure it hasn’t been hacked. The server is probably down. I’m sure mediatemple are doing everything they can to get kirupa.com back up. **
I’m not saying kirupa.com has been hacked (not at all), just that I can’t access anymore.
Yeah - the server seems to be down Hopefully it will be back up in a short bit.
Im having trouble getting kirupaforum.com to load myself
I’ll keep working on it and let you know if I can get it to load…
[edit] woops, there it was, I wasnt connected to the internet, silly me :crazy: [/edit]
Hehehe Sen
There, you asked for it :
ahaha sen.
<3 to the server so it will get better and not feel so down!
Just spoke with MT and the server should be back up in under an hour. They are making a few upgrades
yay! upgrades upgrades! w00t (doees that mean kf will shut down?)
its back up…
Yep Can you tell us more about these upgrades ? :beam:
I have no idea what they are/were. If I had known, I would have informed everyone about the temporary server downtime
Ya i had trouble login on last night as well
I hate it when they do that and not tell ya lol
Well - actually they did tell me. The e-mailed me, and since all e-mails get routed via the server, it doesn’t help me much when the server that handles the site/e-mails is down at the same time.
This was kind of like getting a keyboard not working prompt during your PC’s boot-up, and your only way of proceeding is by pressing any key on the keyboard…which isn’t working
It all works well now, so I’m all :thumb:
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