Kit != Mod?

Hey Pom,
You are right. It would not be fair to make one mod and not the others for similar amounts of work. With kit becoming a mod, all of the people from the old boards who posted a bit are now mods. h88 does help answer questions on the forums, and he doesn’t incessantly nag me about changes to be made any more =) He is also someone who I said would become mod at 1000 posts prior to actually thinking about it…he’ll probably be the last one as well for a good while.

Kirupa :ninja:

Hey, do as you please, Kirupa. It’s still your board :slight_smile:
I guess it’s just that I feel that I’m not useful as a mod anymore. I haven’t moderated anything for so long… (except for moving a thread here and there).

Once again, I’m assuming that a mod has to be useful, he should have something to moderate. But if you make moderators to reward particularly active users, that’s fine with me.

yeah, my policies of deciding who becomes a mod (before we created this section) was basically whoever asked and who had the most post counts :frowning: From now on, moderators shall be appointed based purely on their level of help instead of numbef of posts - and with a majority of the votes from existing mods.

Kirupa :cyclops:

I hear ya :slight_smile:

Sounds good, by the way, I am deleting that is banned thread…

good idea :smirk:

■■■■, I lost about 30 posts from that thread…LMAO!

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s what happends :smirk:

Why am I always opening a can of worms :q:

(no pun intended Eilsoe)

What can of worms have you opened?

I didn’t see you start anything bad!

Well I brought up Kit, now this is posing questions for other mods and if we really need anymore.


[edit]my post count was just 4885 dan…lol [/edit]

Well, Kit=mod is good, me thinks anyway…

But do we need one like, when h88 hits 1000? That’s too soon isn’t it?

(no pun taken Lost :))

■■■■, 4885 posts, I still haven’t reaches 885 posts! Should I bring you to a ‘Posters Unonymous Clan’ (I.E. Alcoholics Unonymous)? lol :stuck_out_tongue:

It is Anonymous (hence AA meetings mean Alocholics Anonymous), but I am not really Anonymous, I am just here.

I think I need some psychological medication

:::spins in circles while yelling “weeeeee”::::

[SIZE=1]Chews red liquorice[/SIZE]

Oh yeah, getting sick [SIZE=1]munch[/SIZE]


I’ve been online with h88 a lot lately. I would like to say that my vote is for a full and regular status as mod with access to all the same rights and or privilages as the rest of us. I do believe that it’s a small gamble with the guy. He wants it too badly, which will always make me nervous. But I think that is just the sort of gamble that this young man needs placed upon him. Likewise he needs to be dealt with honestly, and on an even marking with all of us in order for him to grow into the man he is to be. He’s got the posts, he’s got the reputation already for helping out with questions… he’s knowledgable in MX, and experiments all the time with new ideas.

I think you should make him a mod early, before he reaches 1000. For one thing it will make a statement about the post count not really being all that relivant, which I don’t really think it is, since Kit didn’t have a 1000, and I’d agree that she should be a mod if she wants the post.

I’m all for closing the door as well. I don’t think that we need too many fingers in the cookie jar.

I’ve also been reconsidering Phils idea of a constitution. It IS a good idea to have a basic statement/oath/whatever which the Mods can refer too for guidance and restriction. It also keeps the playing field even. If you want a proofreader Phil, I’m fully down with that. I’m sure I’d have some ideas that I could add to your own. Though constitution??.. couldn’t it just be a FAQ? :slight_smile:

I hate morals :frowning:

Davids right

::now i feel worse::

You know lostinbeta, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having an uncomfortable feeling about someone, or even in letting h88 know that this is true. It means that he’ll be more careful. I must admit that when he posed the question to me, of how people here felt about him I found it difficult to answer. (I believe though that I’ve remained very much in touch with the fact that I’m a mod here when discussing anything with him. There are certain rules that must be obeyed.) I did mention that I thought he was a little too pushy with his desire to become a mod. That he should prove himself worthy of the post, and then be happy with what he got.
I hope for my own sake, as I am putting in a good word for him here, that he is not just being useful to gain the mod position, only to see that behavior disapear once he’s achieved his goal. I believe that it will continue.

as for having a big ego which is what I think makes me uncomfortable… I can count at least 4 mods including myself who fit that mold. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t mind me david… I am just not in a cheery mood today :frowning:

I completely get what your saying though. I do have a real uneasy feeling, but oh well, that might go away later.

sorry to hear you’re not cheery.

you should rent a movie and order a delivered pizza. Always a great thing to do when you need cheering.