I’m a newb to flash and since I really don’t know how to do anything other then simple motion tweens and alpha fading effects, I’m not sure if I should be diving into actionscript so soon. Does it matter when I start learning it? I’m reading the tutorials (in order) over at www.actionscript.org.
Can anyone suggest anything you may find or have found helpful while learning actionscript? Thanks!
i just started about 2 weeks ago and just by hanging around and playing with files i got pretty decent. just read all of people problems because they are often common and do the tutorials. they are very good.
just wondering… do ppl who are good at AS still copy and paste sections, or do they just know everything in their heads? an example i can think of is doing all that tweening with easing via actionscript… do you just copy and paste, or type EVERYTHING out?
Well i have been ASing for 2 years -+
(or more – :beam: )
and i have all kinds of script saved every were…
i thing i could just type it all out but why???
i think its easyer to just open a fla and copy it
then make the small changes and doen
ooh and how i learned AS well just read the flash AS help form A-Z!!
And i was surfing the flash kit forum untill i found this forum :}